can topical AR blockers reduce pore size?


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Just wondering if androgens make bigger pores.

I think men have bigger pores, and I'm sure bigger pores could make more sweat, and all my big nose pores have puss and black heads in them.

Soo.... Maybe putting topical spironolactone on my nose would reduce pore size? Now 5ar1 is responsible for the pores, so finasteride would not do much here. I'm thinking internal dutasteride or better yet topical spironolactone are the answers.

Jayman? Bryan? Anyone want to comment?


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nizoral has 2% salicilic acid, same as most acne washes. It also has keto, which is an anti-microbial and an AR blocker. So I use nizoral for my black heads now.


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ive had this problem for a long time and tried almost everytihng to fight it
the only thing that works for my nose is using a strong scrub twice a day only on the nose
its unbeliveble how bad it looks if i miss more then one application
f*****g crapy genes


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what do you scrub it with?

I'm also trying to use my finger nails to scrap a little gunk out. As the nail gets close to a pore, pressure builds in the pore, pushing a little, but not much, or the gunk to the surface, in time for it to be scraped off as the nail passes over. I can focus on a pore, and get all the gunk out, but I have to press on the other pores too, which are covered by my finger tips and can't release the gunk, so the pressure may push it down further.

I'm not giving up on nizoral, though. I think I see a small improvement already.

I read that oil made from oleic acid is made into wax, whereas oil made from linoleic acid stays a liquid. So maybe the plugs are from not enough linoleic acid locally. Maybe rubbing safflower oil on my nose would help. Or better yet I could buy linoleic acid from a chemical company, and get some 5ar inhibition as well. I have to buy $100 of stuff or they won't sell any, so I'd have to sell a $45, 500mL bottle to someone. I read that execess linoleic acid can cause inflammation, though, but maybe that is just internally.


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what i ment by scrub is an exfoliating gel , i use one from biotherm its relatively cheap and is very good
i used to do the pressing thing all the time and i could get shitload of whitestuff out of there but it just seemed to keep coming and coming
exfoliating works!
at first i thought it didnt work b/c i didnt use it enough, but when i started using it twice a day it got alot better after few days