Can someone give a recommendation?


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Hi, I just registered. I'm 27 and my hairline is noticeably receding. Currently, I'm a Norwood 2. Any recommendations to improve would be very helpfull. I've noticed my hair thinning in the front since my early twenties. Luckily, it hasn't progressed too far. My scalp is still full. I was thinking about a topical like flutamide and maybe minoxodil so I can stop the scalp from shedding before it starts. Any thoughts? Thanks for reading.


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thanks for the reply. Would this help regrow my front hairline? I have fine vellus hairs in the front, receding corners. Is it possible to turn those into full grown hairs?


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The rule of thumb is that finasteride(propecia, fincar etc) will help you maintain and minoxidil will help you regrow. The keyword is help since nothing is guaranteed. Hairline/temples are less likely to regrow so it is very important to try and stop further recession.

You could try finasteride and minoxidil together or start on finasteride and add minoxidil after you have given finasteride the time to start showing signs of working. Personally I started with both since I have recession and thinning up front/top. After nearly 10 months and a terrible period of shedding I am not much worse off than I was when I started. I am not any better either but I think it is better from a psychological point of view not to even expect that. Hope that the treatemenst prevent further balding and if you do get regrowth considre yourself vry lucky.


Various people have had success on the temples/hairline with Rogaine alone, for a few years. You may want to start with that and then graduate later on to Propecia.

Thinning hair

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I hate to be a bearer of bad news but minoxidl will give u a M A S S I V E shed

If u stop using it u will shed even more and u know it won't come back. Trust me on that from a personal experience. Also if it doesn't appear to work, it's working Steve.

Propecia will still give u a shed when u 1 st use it, then after a year if u are lucky u will get some regrowth out of it

To me I will use 2% sprionlactone 1st with a SOD(Cu peptides) These are the 2 items that I know of this world will not 1) create a shed, 2) will protect u from DHT 3) SOD will help with regrowth 4) SOD will help with the itches.

Last but not least Nizoal, which again to me didn't appear to do much, but it's working. (I guess)

I hope this help u Stevo O

Plus I guess alot of guys didn't read about the part with shed.

:sigh: I wish I got this kind of help when I started