Can Someone Explain Shedding? Finasteride Monotherapy


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23 m here. I started finasteride 1mg finasteride daily 3 months ago as I noticed I was losing TONS of hair in and out of the shower. I also noticed some diffuse thinning to the top of my head. Ever since starting finasteride, this amount of hairloss hasn't changed. In the shower when I shampoo and condition my hands are covered in hair. Probably around 40 hairs per shower if I was to count. Even if I just shake my head in front of the sink I can get a good 10 hairs in the sink. I'm talking a mixture of long thick hairs, to short thin hairs. I've also noticed over the past 3 months that my density has taken a huge toll whilst my hairline still stays in tact. Just wanted to know if this was normal shedding, or if the shedding is supposed to let up at some point? Thinking about adding RU58841 to the mix to try and stop this excessive shedding.


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23 m here. I started finasteride 1mg finasteride daily 3 months ago as I noticed I was losing TONS of hair in and out of the shower. I also noticed some diffuse thinning to the top of my head. Ever since starting finasteride, this amount of hairloss hasn't changed. In the shower when I shampoo and condition my hands are covered in hair. Probably around 40 hairs per shower if I was to count. Even if I just shake my head in front of the sink I can get a good 10 hairs in the sink. I'm talking a mixture of long thick hairs, to short thin hairs. I've also noticed over the past 3 months that my density has taken a huge toll whilst my hairline still stays in tact. Just wanted to know if this was normal shedding, or if the shedding is supposed to let up at some point? Thinking about adding RU58841 to the mix to try and stop this excessive shedding.
Shedding can last up to three months I heard. If you want make test your dht to make sure it’s gone down?