Can See Scalp Really Easily Around My Head


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Hey guys, new here but need some help.

Basically when I was 15 (17 now) I started to see my scalp really eaisly at the front of my head but Also at The sides. At the time I went trough a two year depression where I didn't shower everyday (only once a week) and ate and slept like crap and never went outside. but just starting to shower daily now and I use some schampo that is meant to help and eat vitamins daily, I try to watch my diet and stopped with soda and slowed down a lot with the snacks.
Anything else I can do or am I just balding and should accept it? Because now I don't like going out without a hat or hood on. And would it be worth going to a dermotologist

IMG_20190420_144156.jpg Snapchat-151891285.jpg Snapchat-183545816.jpg IMG_20190420_142728.jpg
First picture is the right side of my head
Second is left, third is the top of my dome? And last is the front. (On mobile so I'm sorry if the post is messy)