Can Rogaine cause Unwanted Hair Growth?

Chemical J

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I'm applying Rogaine Foam to the temples on my head and side temples only for the past 2 days.

Im wondering if I can get unwanted hair growth like near my forehead if some minoxidil runs down to that area.

Can this occur? Or can hair only grow in certain areas?

Im just wondering I mean it only happened once and I've been applying it to the temples of my head only.

* Also does it matter if the foam doesn't touch the hair roots on my temples I'm just applying it where I want hair on the temples/side temples.


(Before anyone says: The search function on the forums seems to not be working today for some reason)


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in my case, my normally light 5:00 shadow started kicking in around 11:00 am not too long after starting rogaine - but that was it - a little heavier on the facial hair.

I've read a few reports though - where guys turned into gorillas - mucho body hair and back hair - but I'm pretty sure those are pretty rare cases.

every now and then you'll read about someone w/ an orphaned single hair in the middle of their forehead - but again, very rare.

wash your hands w/ soap and water after using the foam - so as not to inadvertently spread it around to areas you didn't intend to.


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I got new hair an inch above my brows, a half inch away from the corners of my brows, parts of my old hairline now produce very short hair that doesn't blend in, longer eyelashes that sometimes go shed into my eyes causing discomfort, faster beard growth and possibly more tiny hair behind my neck.

I think it might also be worsened because I sometimes apply the foam two hours before going to bed and it rubs off on the sheets etc...

I try to apply it at least fours before bedtime, but am not always successful in doing that.


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I got some hair spouting out BELOW my hairline... I sort of dont want that.


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No big deal, just shave it


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recognition2 said:
No big deal, just shave it

true that is least of my concern anyways.


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RaginDemon said:
recognition2 said:
No big deal, just shave it

true that is least of my concern anyways.

Shaving it once in a week so it doesn't look noticable isn't a big deal at all.