Can propecia and minoxidil get my hair back to where it was 1-2 years ago?


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I'm 25 and started thinning 2 years ago- I hopped on minoxidil right away but the thinning has slowly continued. If I add in finasteride with minoxidil, what are the chances I could get my hair back to how it was 1-2 years ago?

I realize everybody is different- my thinning a has been mostly in the crown and corners- no bald spots just overall thinning. Hairline has receded just a little, mostly in corners.

Just curious as to typical results? Looking at pictures from just 1-2 years ago and my hair looked amazing compared to now :/


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Yes it can. Just remember that everybody does not react the same way to hair loss meds. You can be the unlucky one where hair loss meds have absolutely no effect at all. Your hair loss is pretty recent though, so I would say you have a good chance to get back what you lost.


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If I can get back to where I was a year and 1/2 ago, I would be completely happy. I still have most of the hair I did (aside from hairline corners) it's just became thinner.