Can minoxidil *SLOW* but not stop or regrow thinning hair?


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I have always though of minoxidil as a regrowth agent. I never though of it as a treatment that would just "slow down" the rate a hair thinned becuse the follicle from which it was growing was being damaged (by DHT, irritation etc). I guess my thoughts were wrong.

Two months ago, I quit minoxidil after 11 months of using it because my head was always irritated and it didn't regrow any hair I had lost.

Between now and then I have lost more hair than in any other two months since I started balding. This means one of two things:

Healthy hair was dependent on the minoxidil and shed when treatment stopped, or, minoxidil was actually slowing the rate my hair was thinning. Based on the study Bryan provided it seemed like the hair count of minoxidil users who discontinued treatment dipped below that of the placebo users.

However, I never experienced any growth from minoxidil. My thinning just continuted steady over the 11 months i used it. Now that i'm off minoxidil, my hair is thinning MUCH faster. So, my question to those informed is, CAN minoxidil SLOW THE RATE OF A THINNING HAIR? (by that i mean hair weight, which could account for hair count on an entire head).


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I have to totally agree with you. I've been on minoxidil for about eight months now, and I haven't really seen much regrowth. However my hairloss really slowed down alot until I started taking Proscar a little over a month ago. Now I'm shedding like crazy. Right now, I'm going to keep on the minoxidil until the Proscar is in full effect.