Can I Take Tranny Pills In Small Doses And Not Go Full On Tranny?


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Can I just take hormone pills in small amounts to regrow hair and not have to worry about getting gyno or anything? I don’t really mind loss of body hair and things like I actually want that. Getting that plus growing hair would be perfect.


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No, gyno is a certainty, but it may be minor to moderate in severity if you are lucky, but in general when starting HRT you should always assume you are going to get gyno.


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Can I just take hormone pills in small amounts to regrow hair and not have to worry about getting gyno or anything? I don’t really mind loss of body hair and things like I actually want that. Getting that plus growing hair would be perfect.



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If you take pills you run risk higher the dosage. Eucapil has the right idea, but not strong enough on its own. spironolactone pills risk for gyno, but lose weight helps. spironolactone cream on scalp better. So yes, it may be worth it if you target scalp


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Estrogel is entirely possible to dose topically and not go tranny, yes, as you put it.

Here's the thing, at some point in your youth, you had way more estrogen and far less testosterone than you do now, probably even in your teens. If you get your topical formulation right, yes, you can concentrate the positive effects of the estrogen on your scalp and mitigate the systemic effects of the estrogen through dose titration and using things like betaine hcl to increase (and in my case drastically increase) your liver's ability to metabolize estrogen systemically.

You absolutely can find a balance where you have "enough" testosterone, and enough topically applied estrogen to maintain regrowth. However IMO this is basically like the final boss of hair loss challenges, where finasteride is a roulette wheel, it will either work for you or give you rubberdink and/or possibly worse it can make your head shed more , topically dosed estrogen requires both patience, understanding and skill in creating a formulation that won't do f*** all or give you tits.

It's possible, but probably not by everyone, until a standardized practice has been established.

Maybe I will be one of the first, we'll see.

The OP of the hormone thread where he grew back his hair basically accepted his sides and just kept powering through with more estrogen and androgen antagonists.

I'm of the mind that I really do care about sides. I'm also a perfect candidate for this research because of my naturally high t levels, unlike any other point of time in my life save my early twenties, I can roll out of bed and look near shredded doing nothing, if I were to start working out again, for a couple of months I'd probably be a beast, but I would also probably jack my DHT and test levels even higher and threaten my hair regrowth.

That's the power of testosterone though, it will maintain muscle tone and melt fat off you if it's high enough and estrogen is low enough, so we'll see how I fare when I start applying a low concentration dosage of estrogel in a serum form and see how much my body weight and composition changes.

I know I won't be able to eat half a cake the night before and wake up with a near six pack, but I really want my silky thick hair back, it's "ok" right now, but it's not what I want.
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If you take pills you run risk higher the dosage. Eucapil has the right idea, but not strong enough on its own. spironolactone pills risk for gyno, but lose weight helps. spironolactone cream on scalp better. So yes, it may be worth it if you target scalp

Spironolactone on my scalp did precisely f*** all, perhaps it was the formulation, but I've had way more success with finacea than I ever did with spironolactone topical.


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It’s trial & error. Biological formation of a man & woman is substantial. I have experimented with many protocols. Let’s take spironolactone pills. They come in 25mg, 100mg. I found inkling of gyno at 150mg for few weeks. So I cut back, & finally off. Like most of men on this site, we want to be cut like a UFC fighter & we want healthy hair.(Example goal)
Gyno we don’t want. Woman have breasts & breast milk.. They can squirt it. And let them have it. So systematic changes brought on by hormone pills isn’t answer in my opinion. Vasodilation maybe.
topicals I feel are better.
I saw a YouTube video on some guy recommendations on thicker hair.
1) Collagen powder
2)Rosemary oil etc
We all have heard this. & tried it.
So I have Rosemary Oil. I just ordered the Cre’me de la Creme Organic Rosemary oil. I started putting on sides top of head like I put other topicals, not just a drop or two. It stays on scalp for hours so maybe like minoxidil foam. Anyway I see some new hair growth. So something to consider. I’m adding it to my regimen.


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Stay away from spironolactone orally if you don't want tits, it's notoriously bad for that, there's no way at all you can manage the sides to any reasonable degree without just cutting the dose to virtually nothing.

Rosemary is ok, I've used it before, may go back to it but my new regimen is working and I'll add new things slowly.


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Topical spironolactone, by itself won’t do anything.
Too expensive to use it sloppily. Targeting smaller areas. perhaps sides, etc may make sense. Rosemary oil inexpensive, can cover wide areas. Clinical data not hard to find. Smells good to boot. There is also pure saw palmetto oil. For me saw palmetto powders/pills did nothing, but just ordered pure saw palmetto oil.
Also safflower oil is another topical with some clinical data.
Imo, just have to hammer the problem over & over with mix of natural oils & your minoxidils, Ru58441, Way 316606 slight burn byw targets/inhibits same protein as cyclosporine A (CsA, Duasteride. & others.


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Penile function generally can be maintained, especially with v****. The issue is though that many MtF's lose virtually all interest in sex so they have no interest in using v**** to maintain that. Ultimate length is rarely affected but the combination of estradiol plus no blood engorgement via dreams can effectuate an appearance when flaccid similar to that of a ten-year-old which might cause amusement in the locker room. Pulled length stays the same, however. The testicles do shrink considerably and might stop emitting in general. Goddess bless.


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This is an excellent question. If you take anti androgen pills at enough strength for a period of time you will, in all likelihood start to see physical gyno manifestations.
And eventually this means penile. That is why although I have spironolactone pills, I don’t as a rule use them.
One possibility is to rub testosterone boosting oils, etc specifically on the breasts/penile area. Blue spruce, pine these types to keep these area normalized while hoping to get hair/ scalp benefits. Not an expert, but just throwing that out.
Consult health professional.