can I start topical spironolactone cream at 16 years old?


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I'm thinning at the age of 16 and it's killing me that I have to go into f*cking uni with little or no hair. I don't think half of you guys understand what's it's like to be balding at this age as most of you all are complaining about thinning at the age of 30! Anyways enough of expressing my anger, is there any reason as to why I can't use spironolactone cream at the age of 16? I obviously want to avoid finasteride currently as I've been told you need to be 18 so I'm looking for alternatives, and so far (apart from RU as I cannot find any reputable results or information on its side effects) topical spironolactone and nizoral seem like my best option. Can anyone help me please because I seriously need it


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I really feel for you, but for the love of god consult a physician (not a message board) before starting any hormone treatments before you are completely 100% done with puberty. Even if you go totally bald now, in a few years you might not mind as much but I GUARANTEE you will regret it for the rest of your life if you don't have a normal sized dick, broad shoulders, or grow boobs.


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I went to a hair dermatologist, the most they could do is prescribe me minoxidil, which is of course not as effective as finasteride or topical spironolactone. Topical spironolactone seems like there won't be any side effects e.g gyno since its topical not oral. My only problem is if it's too early to start on that


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It doesn't matter what "seems" like will be the case. Consult your dermatologist. The risk of messing around with androgen blockers before puberty is done is literally never turning into a man. Not saying this is the case with topical spironolactone, but for god sakes talk to your doctor.


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Ok cheers man, appreciate your concern and reply, don't come across much people like yourself. FYI I think I'm done with puberty, full grown beard and stopped growing for a good 3 years, also hairier than most of my friends.


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Ok cheers man, appreciate your concern and reply, don't come across much people like yourself. FYI I think I'm done with puberty, full grown beard and stopped growing for a good 3 years, also hairier than most of my friends.

i was the same, yes its totally ok especially since it most likely will not do anythiing.

btw i started dutasteride at 16 too


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when you say it most likely won't do anything do you mean I won't see any results or do you mean there will be no side effects?


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I tried topical spironolactone last year at 18 years old and i got no sides. It did absolutely nothing for me in terms of hairloss, however.


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What do you currently use and how long have you been using it for? I heard it takes a minimum of 1-2 years to see progress, and when you say progress I believe it means it slows down hair loss, but doesn't regrow anything.


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My Regimen
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What do you currently use and how long have you been using it for? I heard it takes a minimum of 1-2 years to see progress, and when you say progress I believe it means it slows down hair loss, but doesn't regrow anything.

I read that too: but it's bs, probably to encourage people to continue purchasing products that arent working. You should be able to tell if a product is working for you or not.


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Remember that the admin of this site had success with using just topical spironolactone and nizoral