Can I Get male pattern baldness From Poor Health/lifestyle


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Hello, awhile ago I posted pictures of myself because I was worried I might have been balding...

I guess the pictures looked fine since some of the people that answered me actualy got mad for it...
But lately I have been noticing that everytime I rub my hair near a sink, large amount of my hair falls down the sink... Like not just one or two pieces of hair. So I was wondering since my family doesnt have any history of balding is it possible that I get male pattern baldness from poor health?


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no. dietary reasons are not male pattern baldness but instead other types of hairloss


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There is some ambiguous info out there... I believe the general consensus is that it all depends on genetics only. In reality genetics it's not yet fully understood, think how cancer still confounds researchers despite having been researched WAY more intensively than hair loss