Can I get a straight answer about Spironolactone cream.


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I recently purchased Dr. Lee's 5% spironolactone cream and have been using it alongside Nizoral for about a week now.

My hair loss is only at the temples, otherwise I have pretty thick hair. But lately I had noticed that my temples were receding.

So onto spironolactone... The two products that I have seen (S5 cream and Dr. Lee's) are advertised as being free of side effects. I may have been naive by taking that at face value, however since then I have read of many possible side effects of the cream. I have read in other post of users complaining of chest pain, bad breath, difficulty breathing and skin rash.

I am pretty worried now, is this stuff really safe to use as a topical. I know that when taken orally this stuff is pretty severe.

Can anyone shed some light on potential risks? Is it even really worth it to keep using this stuff?

*As a reference, I use very little of the cream, about a pea sized dot on each temple.

Any answers are greatly appreciated.


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Ahuynh28 said:
I recently purchased Dr. Lee's 5% spironolactone cream and have been using it alongside Nizoral for about a week now.

My hair loss is only at the temples, otherwise I have pretty thick hair. But lately I had noticed that my temples were receding.

So onto spironolactone... The two products that I have seen (S5 cream and Dr. Lee's) are advertised as being free of side effects. I may have been naive by taking that at face value, however since then I have read of many possible side effects of the cream. I have read in other post of users complaining of chest pain, bad breath, difficulty breathing and skin rash.

I am pretty worried now, is this stuff really safe to use as a topical. I know that when taken orally this stuff is pretty severe.

Can anyone shed some light on potential risks? Is it even really worth it to keep using this stuff?

*As a reference, I use very little of the cream, about a pea sized dot on each temple.

Any answers are greatly appreciated.

I think that it could be nizoral that caused the shed. spironolactone is safe as long as you don't overdo it, meaning, put a huge application constantly. Then you can get some sides but it's rare.
Shed is a good thing. It means that the treatment is working.


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rcom440 said:
Ahuynh28 said:
I recently purchased Dr. Lee's 5% spironolactone cream and have been using it alongside Nizoral for about a week now.

My hair loss is only at the temples, otherwise I have pretty thick hair. But lately I had noticed that my temples were receding.

So onto spironolactone... The two products that I have seen (S5 cream and Dr. Lee's) are advertised as being free of side effects. I may have been naive by taking that at face value, however since then I have read of many possible side effects of the cream. I have read in other post of users complaining of chest pain, bad breath, difficulty breathing and skin rash.

I am pretty worried now, is this stuff really safe to use as a topical. I know that when taken orally this stuff is pretty severe.

Can anyone shed some light on potential risks? Is it even really worth it to keep using this stuff?

*As a reference, I use very little of the cream, about a pea sized dot on each temple.

Any answers are greatly appreciated.

I think that it could be nizoral that caused the shed. spironolactone is safe as long as you don't overdo it, meaning, put a huge application constantly. Then you can get some sides but it's rare.
Shed is a good thing. It means that the treatment is working.

What shed? He didn't mention that he was shedding.

My understanding is that topical spironolactone is metabolized in the scalp and there should be no systemic absorption, thus no side effects. I cannot vouch if this is 100% accurate but I can say that I've had no sides from it and I use more than a pea sized amount---which probably wouldn't even contain enough spironolactone to cause sides even if taken orally. I suppose it could cause a skin rash to the areas applied which can be the case with anything you put on your head.

As for the sides that you read people are having--well I would take those with a grain of salt. People are paranoid and can find a side effect in anything.


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Thanks for the replies, I haven't really experienced a shed, I was just kind of panicking about the certain potential sides of the spironolactone cream.

I a very little amount every night before bed. Is it ok to assume that this is safe? What kinds of side effects should I be looking out for? (I would want to stop early before any permanent damage)


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Ahuynh28 said:
Thanks for the replies, I haven't really experienced a shed, I was just kind of panicking about the certain potential sides of the spironolactone cream.

I a very little amount every night before bed. Is it ok to assume that this is safe? What kinds of side effects should I be looking out for? (I would want to stop early before any permanent damage)

Yes it is safe.

You shouldn't be looking out for any side effects or you will find them. I think if you have any you will know. Just apply it and forget about it.


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Ahuynh28 said:
Thanks for the replies, I haven't really experienced a shed, I was just kind of panicking about the certain potential sides of the spironolactone cream.

I a very little amount every night before bed. Is it ok to assume that this is safe? What kinds of side effects should I be looking out for? (I would want to stop early before any permanent damage)

You could be allergic to spironolactone or aloe vera gel, stearic acid, cetyl alcohol, alkyl octanoate, mineral oil, dimethicone, tocopherol acetate, magnesium aluminum silicate, sorbitol, disodium EDTA, and some other ingredients that Dr Lee's spironolactone contains.
So look for the redness, itchiness etc.
I wouldn't worry if I were you. It's not like you are taking finasteride.


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My Regimen
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Yeah, I wouldn't worry either. Most topicals make it to my bloodstream giving me sides but I can apply spironolactone 5% in my hairline feeling nothing at all. I think it's very unlikely that you experience anything bad using it just on your temples.


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I've been using S5 for about 6 weeks now. No side effects. It does smell awful though. I also feel things have improved since starting on it.