Can I Expect Regrowth From Finasteride?


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Hi guys, I am 25 years old and I am losing my hair since puberty
I am taking minoxidil for 2 and a half years and I had very good regrowth in my temples but after 2 years I lost everything I had in my temples and it's even worse then before taking minoxidil.
I think about using finasteride but I need an advice from you.
I am uplading a photos of my hairline. IMG_2652.JPG IMG_2653.JPG IMG_2654.JPG Can I expect some hair growth with finasteride and minoxidil or just slowing down hair loss? To be honest if I can't maintain my current hairline I will just shave my head and somehow deal with it. I would be very thankful for your advice. What would you do in my place?


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You'll likely maintain your hair with some slight thickening. Only a hair transplant will move those temples up.


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You'll likely maintain your hair with some slight thickening. Only a hair transplant will move those temples up.
Thanks for the answer, thing is, I don't wanna take risk with finasteride in case that it will work for maybe 2/3 years a then lose it´s efficiency.
I can barely put som hairstyle right now, can't hide temples anymore and if I do it looks terrible..
If I can mantain my hair like this for maybe 10 years, then I am in and taking the risk.
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