Can I bring my propecia with me to Africa?


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Hey guys.

Do you know if I can bring my propecia (fincar) with me to Africa? I'm staying there in two months, and I don't hope there would be any problems bringing it to Africa? I'm going from Denmark -> Turkey -> Ghana.

Should I have some papers or something, or should I just put it in the luggage and don't think about it? I'm a bit paranoid about this. First I don't want to loose my pills for such a long time, second I don't want be stopped in the airport missing my flights.

Any advise?


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My advice is not to be so paranoid. Unless you don't have hundreds of finasteride pills in your luggage there shouldn't be any problem. Millions of people carry different medications with them while travelling.

Quantum Cat

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take your prescription/ receipt with you so you can prove that the pills are legitimate medications. Some of these third world countries have some seriously fukked up policies on drugs


Established Member
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Yeah, I will then. You don't think they will stop me at the airport?


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Some of these third world countries have some seriously fukked up policies on drugs

So true. I just read a story about a 65 year old British grandmother who was sentenced to be executed for smuggling cocaine into Indonesia.


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My Regimen
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So true. I just read a story about a 65 year old British grandmother who was sentenced to be executed for smuggling cocaine into Indonesia.

Countries like Indonesia, Thailand, Vietnam have explicit signs in airports and border control stating that drug trafficking comes with the death penalty. Kind different with regards to finasteride don't cha think? XD


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Countries like Indonesia, Thailand, Vietnam have explicit signs in airports and border control stating that drug trafficking comes with the death penalty. Kind different with regards to finasteride don't cha think? XD

Ummmm......yeah. Quantum cat mentioned countries with fukked up drug policies and being executed for any drug is a bit fukked up....don't cha think?

My post had nothing to do with finasteride.