Can hair systems be long?


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I'm thinking of just quitting trying to prolong my suffering and just bite the bullet. In the near future, I think I'll just get a hair system. I much prefer to have my hair long as it looks great and I have the whole Jim Morrison type thing going on. Do manufacturers make hair systems with hair that's 10-12 inches long and curly?


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Yes some do. My current supplier does up to 26 inches and from straight to afro.

The longer the hair the higher the price.


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Hair Salons in London

Just got my first system fitted and the quality in amazing. But couldnt get it cut they way I hoped. Anyways please do suggest me to some good salons to fix this. I'm looking for a slick combover style..


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Yup. I have it styled okay but I do think it has too much volume on my system. I'd like to get it thinnen a little so I can style it the way I want like a combover look.

Any salons in london that also deal with hair system. Don't think I'm ready to go into a regular hairdressers.


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I'm thinking of just quitting trying to prolong my suffering and just bite the bullet. In the near future, I think I'll just get a hair system. I much prefer to have my hair long as it looks great and I have the whole Jim Morrison type thing going on. Do manufacturers make hair systems with hair that's 10-12 inches long and curly?

email me at terimon at and I can show you pics of one of my units with 19 inch hair