can doctors prescribe proscar


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yes they can but i think most wont, just ask for a prescription for finastride and then try and get proscar when you get it filled


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I went to a sports doctor for my neck pain. I asked him for a prescription, and he asked how much do I want! He does more than just sports injuries, since he said he prescribes Proscar for prostate problems.

I also said I had been on Propecia in the past and am now getting proscar through India to save money, and he totally understood. LIE!

Go get a general checkup from a Sports Doctor and ask.


New Member
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For those of you who have got Proscar prescribed, did anyone have their general doctor agree?


Established Member
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wwut do u mean by general doctor? if u mean ur regular doctor...i dont see wut say he wouldd have in it if another doctor is perscribing it to u


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FormerEgo said:
For those of you who have got Proscar prescribed, did anyone have their general doctor agree?

At first I was getting my Finasteride via Propecia by my regular MD Doctor. When I felt certain that Proscar and Propecia were the EXACT same thing I asked my Plastic Surgeon. He told me that a lot of people do that and he eluded that he did the same.

Needless to say I get my Proscar through him now :)


Established Member
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FormerEgo said:
For those of you who have got Proscar prescribed, did anyone have their general doctor agree?

Yes, my Proscar is throught my GP. Infact, I didn't even have to mention it - he just said "here - this is cheaper and the same" and gave me the script !

too bald too furious

Experienced Member
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I remember..the first and only doctor i went to see for my hair loss 4 years back. He had a full head of hair and said i did not have anything to lose apart from my self esteem as male pattern baldness was totally harmless. He recommended me to another physician who specialised in hair loss. I went there with so many hopes, but was turned off at the moment when I was waiting in waiting room and his assistant came and handed me some brochures of hair transplant.
I thought he would delibrately give me some medicines which will speed my hair loss until i go completely bald and recommend the hair transplant whose brochures his assistant was giving me. I had a consultation with that doctor..and he gave me prescription for some anti inflammatory gel and asked me to come back after a month. Its been 4 years..i neither bought that gel or went back to him.


If you are really interested in buying Proscar and you are afraid of cutting it, why not join up to my 'Learn about Proscar' workshop. It's only £500 per person and is well worth the investment.

It's a five week course and it will touch on the following:

Week 1
Learn how to build up your confidence to ask your doctor for Proscar

Week 2
Learn about the differences between Propecia and Proscar

Week 3
How to handle Proscar

Week 4
How to cut Proscar

Week 5
Start back at week 1

Or to save time and money you could get all this information for free if you do a search on the forums.