Can Anything Stop The Shedding Cycle Once It Starts?


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Shedding for me started June 13 After 5 weeks on a pretty low dose Trenbolone because I couldn't handle the way I felt.

40 years old, done plenty cycles but never Tren. Pretty full head of hair but slight recession at the temples which is good for someone my age.

I dropped the Tren June 13 but I am still on Anavar and plan on dropping it tommorow.

Still shedding. Never shed before in my life.

It's not insane levels of shedding, like if I run my hands through my hair over my head over the sink for a minute maybe 6-8 hairs will fall out, but I never shed any hair before, maybe one every couple weeks I'd notice. Hair looks a bit thinner diffused

So obviously I need to get off the roids completely, even though Var is considered pretty hair safe,it can't be helping.

but once the shedding starts, can it stop or is this the new me until I'm bald? I mean I know it will probably slow down at some point. But can it go back to previous levels of shedding?

If you were me, besides dropping the roids, would you give a a couple months to pct and stabelize and then pursue the big 3? Or hit up an endocronologst right away?
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Whada think?

I just find it weird than my hiar could be thick for 40 years and one cycle kills me