Can anyone recomend me a hairstyle?


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I have included two pictures. One is of me at about 19 and the other at 28. As you can see there is clear hairloss in the hairline. It has receded and I think I'm about NW2.5.

Im looking for a new type of hairstyle. I used to have it messy on top but as I have aged this just does not suit me anymore because my forehead looks to big and i feel my fringe hair is no dense enough anymore. I have been on and off this site for years now and I do feel like the hairline is starting to rise again.

Currently I get a 5 on the back and sides of my head and then just trimmed on top. I have been gelling it the side but without a parting. I do this to try and cover the recession but because my peak is still quite low it can make it difficult to use the front of the hairline to cover the back.

I have no idea when it's really going to kick in but I think I will go the same way as jude law. Genetics wise...well im in trouble. My dad lost his hair in this early thirties though he never receded. he just complete went thin. He still has some sort of hairline but its VERY diffuse. his dad I cannot remember as I have never had contact with him but My dad said his hair is like my dads. My mums side...her dad lost his hair in his early twenties. I think its was a NW6 by late 30s. My uncle my mums brother has hair at 50 but its THIN. He has a hairline but its nw3 and very thin. He also has NO hair on his crown.. This happened to him in his thirties. So I know its coming and I can see it happening. For the time being I just want to try style my hair the best I can. I don't want to shave it.

EDIT- while I am at it I will add to why I am concerned. I feel Like I am starting to diffuse in a part of my hairline. I have included pictures also. Again I have stuck a lot of wet look hair gel into my hair and spiked it up so it is easy to see. I will post the pics below. Im pretty sure this is diffuse thining but it seems like it might of been happening over a two year period. Maybe this is the beginning of me getting an island.

The first picture is of the side of my hair. This shows the type of texture of hair I have and the second is basically the top on my head but Im not so concerned about this and I feel it still has decent density.

Now all of these pics are the area I believe I have diffusing in I have added some detailed zoomed pics also so you guys can judge.

These pics are from over 2 years ago:



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To honest you forehead does not look much different from when you were younger. Your hair style now suits you fine maybe go slight shorter in the spikes. Otherwise you could go with a choppy look that you comb forward similar to a modified Caesar cut just slight longer choppy bangs. 884bde30be5afb7ea09e236bef5318b4.jpg


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Hi DH. I dont wear my hair like that lol. I just did that for the picture. My problem is I cannot afford to go to a stylist so I go to a barber and get the cut for 8 pound. They will only do basic styles though. Thanks for the suggestion :)


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You are nearing a solid NW2 at the most. Nothing more. You are miniaturizing at the hairline. Mine did the same as yours. Mine diid all over though but not enough for anyone to notice yet. I still don't understand as the way your wear your hair in all your photos looks great. You can sprinkle some topik in those areas of thinning if you must but your hair looks good.


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You are nearing a solid NW2 at the most. Nothing more. You are miniaturizing at the hairline. Mine did the same as yours. Mine diid all over though but not enough for anyone to notice yet. I still don't understand as the way your wear your hair in all your photos looks great. You can sprinkle some topik in those areas of thinning if you must but your hair looks good.

Can I ask how old you're and what Norwood your hair currently is at? Yea I can see the mini hairs going on. Does this mean that it will 100% progress into full male pattern baldness? Its just not a good outlook considering the only people in my family with full heads of hair are my nans brothers and I am nothing like them in anyway! Even one of their sons is nearly a NW3. I wear my hair in a side parting :)


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What is your hair loss treatment/ regimen. I am not necessarily pro pharmaceuticals but if you haven't started any one or other of the Big 3 I would start sooner than later. Don't pussy foot around it. Get it diagnosed and treated properly and pronto. Hair loss can and will sneak up on you so fast it'll leave you breathless while the denial of your youth will treacherously rob you of some of the glorious years of your life. No joke. As for your hair style, well it looks like you still have many coveted options. I think a more closely cropped look with only a few centimeters extra on type would serve you better for at least 3 reasons; (a). A shorter length will enhance the appearance/illusion of greater density (b). It will frame your face type more suitably.(c). It is easier to groom and monitor(really that's 4):) If you know this already and have taken appropriate measure(s) to address your hair loss then you are exactly where you need to be. All the best and thanx for sharing your story.