Can anyone rate my norwood level please? Been on Finasteride for 1.5 months, temples receded unevenly


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Like 1.5? It would be easier if you pushed your brow up in one of the pictures.


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You have beautiful hair.Finasteride is a shitty drug but in your case it will work for sure.


My Regimen
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I only believe in using the Norwood scale when people are actually balding in terms of perception of others. Very large amounts of temple recession can be hidden especially if only the temples have been eroded. No one would grade you as "balding" in general. One way to test this is to try to grow one's hair long again. If it looks crappy then the situation is much worse because it means that the fringe hair on the sides and back have been affected. This usually doesn't mean hair loss in the area but the phenomenon is largely the same. Look for diminution in hair quality, manageability, shine, anagen or anything else that makes your hair look worse now, then say eight years ago. This is often an indicia that hair loss is about to begin.

Best of luck.
