can anyone help?


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I am a 52 year old man whose life,since my mid 20s, has been ruined by hair loss.I wore a hairpiece for a number of years (34-43) but always felt like a fake and worried that people would find out.It was particularly stressful for me when I met a woman-should I tell her and risk being dumped,and worse still have her tell other people or should I keep it a secret,thereby living a lie and deceiving someone with whom I wanted a relationship.I eventually had a hair transplant which was successful by a top surgeon,and he suggested I take avodart/dutasteride,which did work but caused erectile dysfunction.Unfortunately for me my genes are so **** that propecia also had this effect on me,so I discontinued use of it and lost more hair and had another transplant.But now I have insufficient donor hair to make another transplant worthwhile,and am in despair cos I can't use the most effective treatments available-what a ****ing piece of **** I am,genetically speaking!I have heard that there will be treatments available in 10 years,but that's no good to me-I'll be 62 by then,if I'm still alive.At present I am using toppik fibres or fullmore spray but I'm getting to the point where I'm putting so much on that I feel almost as much of a fake as I did when wearing a wig.Has anyone any suggestions other than suicide(believe me,I've considered it,but it would hurt my parents too much),shaving my head and looking like a chemotherapy patient,or wearing a wig,which I very much fear I will be forced to do,if only to protect myself from skin cancer of the scalp(yet another problem caused by hair loss!).I want to rid myself of this curse before my life is over


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1. Shaving your head will look better with your transplant because the thin hair will appear more natural and give an outline of a good hairline if you decide to do this

2. I think you should look into a hair piece again, maybe a high quality one such as this


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i used to wear one but felt like a fake all the time.I guess I'm ****ed if that's the only advice anyone can offer