Can anyone have a look and tell me if I'm balding ? (Posting again)


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Hey, I'll start of with a little back story.
I had been growing my hair for about 5-6 years until in December I had to get my wisdom teeth removed, shortly after my surgery I started noticing the natural parting in my hair get bigger than it normally was, So I decided to just shave it off. After shaving my head and 1 month of regrowth I noticed that the area I was thinning in was actually fine however I'm not sure about my hairline.
I always had a hairline that looked like this but never ever paid attention to it because as I mentioned I had long hair for a very long time and it would usually cover it up as I wore my hair parted.
I've posted on other forums before and they say that my hairline looks okay, but figured I'd get a few extra opinions as it's been eating at me for some time now.
I've always had a high hairline that has looked somewhat like this but I cannot be 100% certain, could it just be some maturing? My dad has the same hairline and has had it for 40+ years hes in his 60s almost and still has a great head of hair with minor thinning, However male pattern baldness run's in my mothers family (Grandfather and Uncle were bald by their early 20's)
And lastly, I live in Toronto, Canada so if anyone knows a good hair transplant surgeon to go for a check up please do let me know

Pics here: (Taken around 2 and a half weeks after shaving my head) (Close ups of my hairline) (Shaved my head again around a week and a half ago so these are some more recent pictures) (Crown, I used to have a cowlick right on the right side after waking up not sure if oyu guys can see it still)


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Unfortunately yes! Esp the crown area. You still have good density in temple area but you should jump on something before it gets worse!


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welcome home buddy


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Unfortunately yes! Esp the crown area. You still have good density in temple area but you should jump on something before it gets worse!

Alright, so what are the chances of this being some from of temporary hairloss, As I did mention this only started after I had my wisdom teeth surgery followed by a week at home on pain meds and an entire week missed of work and school

Goldee Lox

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I don't know how wisdom teeth removal actually pertains. I have heard of this before, but still believe it's hear say.. I think the age/time of removal simply coincides with the age of noticing changes in your hair. As ze skull changes, so can the hair.. I'm not excusing male pattern baldness, just trying to be logical.. I've actually never had my wisdom teeth removed. I'm 27.


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I don't know how wisdom teeth removal actually pertains. I have heard of this before, but still believe it's hear say.. I think the age/time of removal simply coincides with the age of noticing changes in your hair. As ze skull changes, so can the hair.. I'm not excusing male pattern baldness, just trying to be logical.. I've actually never had my wisdom teeth removed. I'm 27.

I see, would you think it would be possible to regrow what i've lost so far with the help of the big 3? I don't want this to progress further and I'm only 20 years old now.
Secondly, I'm abit scared of taking finasteride as I've had a history of reacting badly to drugs, but i'm not saying I'm not going to give it a shot i'll just drop it once I get sides for awhile and see how it goes, that being said how effective would minoxidil be on its own and how many times a day should I apply it.


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- - - Updated - - -

yo, are you 1996 as me? Well, if you want to wear these kind of short haircutt the minoxidil should be tottaly fine for first shoot. EDIT : If you wanna a longer hairs. finasteride will be needed aswell i think. Im starting to take 0,5mg finasteride EOD ( Every other day ) and i hope i will not drop it early as i think.


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own the look.

U have lots of c*m kleexex wipes on the floor


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@stachu: hey, yeah I'm born in 96 aswell, have a look at my new post on this forum its a bit more indepth regarding my situation.

But yeah I'd really love to grow my hair out again (Used to have very long hair) but for now I'll keep it short because i feel it would be easier to tell if I have any regrowth going on

@shookwun: can't tell if you're being sarcastic or not but I personally am fine with how my hairline is currently, Just the crown I'm worried about more.
I've just had a pretty bad flu lately, but I can see why you'd think otherwise ;D