Can A Flaky Scalp Be A Cause Of Hair Loss?


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I've been going through hair loss for a while. I've been told it's hormonal, but lately I've been thinking there might be another problem- When I run my fingers brought my scalp to massage it (with oils) at night, hairs often part with my scalp. They have a flaky piece of the scalp root or something attached. Is the dandruff making my hair unable to grow properly and his fall out easily? Or is it just a side effect of a bigger cause?


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Dandruff is just a symptom, not the cause. It could be seborrheic dermatitis, some other kind of eczema, irritation or allergy from something, poor hygiene, fungal infection, change in scalp pH due to your shampoo or the oils you use to massage it, change in hormonal profile causing your skin to secrete more sebum and/or get itchy, etc. etc.