can a copper deficiency cause your hair to thin?


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after going through a lot of bloodwork and suspected Wilsons Disease based on my extremely low copper levels, my tests came back negative which can really only point to a copper deficiency which is uncommon but alas. In addition to my copper being out of whack, my vitamin D levels were also very low, along with my bilirubin levels being very high (6 mg/dl). I'm wondering if I'm deficient in copper and collagen and that is possibly causing my hair to thin?

Please note that my hair hasn't structurally changed, its been 'thin' all my life and has always grown very slowly/easily broken. My hairline hasn't receded but my overall hair quality feels bad. My question is, if I fix these underlying chemical imbalances, would it be possible that my hair would thicken?

I've always had a really strong hairline but my hair has always been very whispy and thin/ and took forever to grow