Call Me A Conspiracy Theorist But...


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I think hair transplant doctors don’t recommend Dutasteride on purpose because they’re scared it will work too good in terms of regrowth/maintenance and they will lose out on money because fewer patients would need a hair transplant. With finasteride however people still lose some hair, or what they maintained is not good enough, and chances of regrowth are lower, and therefore more people will eventually need a hair transplant. Not recommending finasteride is also bad for business because doctors want to be able to produce good results via a hair transplant and for that a patient can’t lose too much hair and even more crucially they need to take it after a hair transplant to keep the good results. I’ve looked at studies and the side effects are comparable but dutasteride produces superior results.

Does anyone agree with me?


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Idk if it’s a conspiracy theory or not but I’m putting a tinfoil hat on to cover my crown and subscribing to this thread to see answers.

You really think dutasteride is the superior hair restoration drug?


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Idk if it’s a conspiracy theory or not but I’m putting a tinfoil hat on to cover my crown and subscribing to this thread to see answers.

You really think dutasteride is the superior hair restoration drug?

Yeah for sure bro! All studies show that it products better hair regrowth with comparable side effects.


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Hair transplant Doctors dont prescribe dutasteride for hairloss because it isn't a hair loss drug. It hasn't been approved. You have to get it off label online by saying its for BPH. Whilst hair transplants Doctors probably could write you a prescription for it, they wouldn't incase anything happened to you and they get sued into oblivion for giving you a drug that isn't approved for the purpose you gave it to them for. Not to mention potentially lose their license.


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Hair transplant Doctors dont prescribe dutasteride for hairloss because it isn't a hair loss drug. It hasn't been approved. You have to get it off label online by saying its for BPH. Whilst hair transplants Doctors probably could write you a prescription for it, they wouldn't incase anything happened to you and they get sued into oblivion for giving you a drug that isn't approved for the purpose you gave it to them for. Not to mention potentially lose their license.

In Sweden it’s not approved either but still went to a clueless dermatologist who told me if I was aware of risks and I said I was and then prescribed it for me. It was so easy. But we don’t have a “suing culture” here. Still I prefer if it was approved.


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Hair transplant Doctors dont prescribe dutasteride for hairloss because it isn't a hair loss drug. It hasn't been approved. You have to get it off label online by saying its for BPH. Whilst hair transplants Doctors probably could write you a prescription for it, they wouldn't incase anything happened to you and they get sued into oblivion for giving you a drug that isn't approved for the purpose you gave it to them for. Not to mention potentially lose their license.

You can get any off-label medication prescribed for hair loss as long as it is given by a dermatologist, or someone who specialises in hair. Spironolactone and Cyproterone Acetate isn't approved for hair loss, but it is still prescribed to women suffering with it. From my experience, I have had to sign something.


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Honestly, my opinion is that they would rather prescribe something which has the least side effects, is FDA approved and shows somewhat measurable results.


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Honestly, my opinion is that they would rather prescribe something which has the least side effects, is FDA approved and shows somewhat measurable results.

But Dutasteride produces better results and the side effects are pretty much identical. Sure there is a slight increase in risk of sides, but the superiority of Dutasteride surely must be worth it?


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But Dutasteride produces better results and the side effects are pretty much identical. Sure there is a slight increase in risk of sides, but the superiority of Dutasteride surely must be worth it?

It definitely is worth it. From my perspective: hair > side effects.