

Established Member
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Re: can someone take a look?

Early stage of male pattern baldness, yes.


Established Member
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Re: can someone take a look?

gigatrix said:

Yes friend, i (and most of guys here) have the same start. Just look at yout third pic, it is very clear. Good news is that you are a receeder and your hairloss wont be very agressive and fast. You are now NW2, and if you want to keep most of your hair (till NW3, 3.5) in next 10 years (or more), you should start with Big 3.

Man in Space

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Re: can someone take a look?

Gascoigne and rawtashk are right, You do look as though you are receeding, however, I believe you when you say you had high temples to begin with which often makes recession look worse than it is, it doesnt take long before it starts to tell.

Theres no guarantee as to how much or how fast your hair will recede but you still have plenty up there, so your not going to go bald overnight. Its worth investigating the medications available such as the big 3, finesteride, minoxidil, nizoral as welll as a host of other less proven meds which you can find discussed on this site. wish id found the big 3 when i was younger though, as these drugs are better at maintainence than reversing hairloss, particularly on receders, which like you, i am. One last thing is you are quite young to be considering finesteride as it is hormone altering so make sure you research it and before you decide. The drugs only work for as long as you take them so you have to make the decision whether you feel like at this stage you need to start, but also balance that with the fact that the longer you leave it, the harder it gets to maintain and regrow your hair.

Best of luck and dont be too alarmed, your hair still looks good when its down so dont let anxiety ruin your uni experience, its not a cosmetic problem toay, but it may become one in the future and thats where the meds can help


Re: can someone take a look?

Classic receding type. At least the rest of your hair is thick, and you can cover it with longer hair.