Buzzing down and life goes on...

Private Ryan

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i am thinking of transferring my membership from hairloss club to bald club for man.

i am tired of trying to hide and fight what is the inevitable. it not i am losing hope of treatment(which is not doing much anyway) but more on not being able to be myself. trying to hide my baldness, cover my discomfort etc etc.

i think i am going through the so call transition period where friends are saying "you are balding!!!" more and more people are discovering my baldness. it will be much easier if all of them already know and accepted it. it kind of difficult and upsetting for me to see friends looking "shocked" when they saw me balding. also i have chicken pox 6months back and left some scar on my face and body :(

guess it i be buzzing my hair to #1 and be "cool" rather than a balding man trying to hide. most importantly, i want my confidence back!!! i don't want to hide it anymore!!! i want to be myself once again!!! i want my friends to know that i am indeed balding but still happy with confidence!!!

below are my pic 2years ago when i chop my hair down due to going to Army. of course, it not totally down but should be able to give a rough guide on how i look with short hair.

pls give me some comment whether you think i look shltty or rubbish.. thanks to you first!!!


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dude, i'm not so sure that's not just the flash. i mean, your hair is pretty short in the back and asian hair tends to be thicker in diameter, but less dense, so at such a short length the flash can reveal a lot of scalp.

why don't you take a picture in a well lit room with the flash off.

the other thing you have going for you is that you are really tan. i think it's more acceptable to see scalp if you are tan than if you are glaringly white (like me).

Private Ryan

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yeah. the flash seem to be making it a bit worse than it is. i try to take again later. anyway, the balding part is quite clear. my mum asked me whether am i losing a lot of hair this morning :(

atually i would like to know whether do i look fine in buzz hair. any comment?

no point asking friends or family memeber as people use to looking at you with hair sure find it terrible.


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Yep. You look fine with your hair buzzed. If it makes you more at ease then go for it.

Keep your head up!


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Yeah, you would look cool with a buzz. You definitely have a good face for it.

On the other hand, are you using propecia? For at least a year? Your age, amount and location of hairloss would make you a good canditate to see some improvement.

Ultimately, take whatever route that makes you feel at peace with yourself.


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private ryan,
your hair is not that bad.
you have been using minoxidil only for three months. give it 1 year and apply twice a day.
Also when you go for hair cut, don't touch the crown area.
buzz the sides and thick areas (one with no hair loss) to #2 and don't even touch the weak spots and make hair grow longer there to four inches or so.

Private Ryan

Established Member
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thanks for the encouragement friends!!! really grateful for it. i guess when i dare to post my pic here i have at least quite come to term with balding.

i am 24 and reaching 25 in a couple of months. have been using propecia for nearly 2years. at the most i will say that it have slow down my hairloss. yeah, i will keep up the "big 3" just for holding on to the dream of one day having a cure.


Senior Member
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Buzz it, man!

You're a perfect candidate-- just don't SHAVE it.

I tink you'll be fine. Also, keep up with the treatments.