Brutal Tinder Experiment Article From The Independent


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A male model has conducted an experiment on Tinder to find out what women really want.

Ben Southerst, 29, from Earls Court, London, posted profiles on the dating app with five different looks to find out which one got the most matches.

He started by posting a profile with a photo of how he really looks – with a full head of hair and a goatee beard.

Interestingly, Southerst found that he received the most matches – 120 to be precise – for the clean-shaven look.

The next most successful look was the goatee beard which received a total of 85 matches followed by the heavy beard with 30.


In comparison, the images that showed Southerst with thinning hair and as bald earned him just 12 and three matches on the dating app.





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Even in his fullhead photos, he does have some moderate hair loss for 29. As the article didn't say if the experiments were done in different locations, I wonder if the results were to go differently if he did the experiments in the reverse order, so as to not 'exhaust' all the matches he was going to get with the more attractive photos first.


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He's a NW2.5 with a naturally higher hairline which is accentuated by the loss he already had. Pretty normal for someone his age. In my observation, most 30yo men can't style their hair the same way they did 10 years ago. Don't be fooled by these big woofs of hair achieved by a combover. This "model" will have to do something in the next 5 years or suffer through this experiment for real.

The thinning hair is never a good look. We all know this. Having thinning hair while still being able to have a hairstyle, that's debateable. But in these cases, we all know he would look better if he just went ahead and shaved it all off.

Most importantly though, you would need to use different accounts, not just change the photos and so on. The algorithm is pretty harsh and you should not let your self worth be defined by something so small and miniscule. Most women I've dated never use dating apps or have used it for a short amount of time, deleting it after some bad encounters/approaches. There is a big world out there and someone will love you, with or without hair. You will probably not slay dozens of hot chicks by swiping right and driving 10 miles somewhere 10 minutes laters. But most people don't anyway. That's alright. Distance yourself from that illusion and try to live your life with your eyes wide open. Accept that you got dealt a bad hand. There's no denying that having no hairloss is better in every way. But there are still some good paths left.


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He's a NW2.5 with a naturally higher hairline which is accentuated by the loss he already had. Pretty normal for someone his age. In my observation, most 30yo men can't style their hair the same way they did 10 years ago. Don't be fooled by these big woofs of hair achieved by a combover. This "model" will have to do something in the next 5 years or suffer through this experiment for real.

The thinning hair is never a good look. We all know this. Having thinning hair while still being able to have a hairstyle, that's debateable. But in these cases, we all know he would look better if he just went ahead and shaved it all off.

Most importantly though, you would need to use different accounts, not just change the photos and so on. The algorithm is pretty harsh and you should not let your self worth be defined by something so small and miniscule. Most women I've dated never use dating apps or have used it for a short amount of time, deleting it after some bad encounters/approaches. There is a big world out there and someone will love you, with or without hair. You will probably not slay dozens of hot chicks by swiping right and driving 10 miles somewhere 10 minutes laters. But most people don't anyway. That's alright. Distance yourself from that illusion and try to live your life with your eyes wide open. Accept that you got dealt a bad hand. There's no denying that having no hairloss is better in every way. But there are still some good paths left.

Do you ever get tired of trying to spread some positivity on here? I know I do.


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The thing most shocking i find about this is the fact a male model got only 120 matches.
Thats less than an average looking fat girls gets in a week.The best looking girls get 1000+ in just 1 week, average girls will have well over 300.
An average looking guy will be extremely lucky to get 1 match a week with an average looking woman.
If you're an average or even avove average looking male NEVER go on tinder it will only give you depression.Stick to meeting women in real life.


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The thing most shocking i find about this is the fact a male model got only 120 matches.
Thats less than an average looking fat girls gets in a week.The best looking girls get 1000+ in just 1 week, average girls will have well over 300.
An average looking guy will be extremely lucky to get 1 match a week with an average looking woman.
If you're an average or even avove average looking male NEVER go on tinder it will only give you depression.Stick to meeting women in real life.
SHOCKING. is it really shocking? dude, guys want to f*ck girls, and as much as possible. That's it, this is all there is, this is what drives the dating/relationship/sex world, it has always been like that and always will be, in every species on earth. Tinder didnt change anything, except that in the past a guy tried to f*ck his neighbours from the building, and today he is trying to f*ck all girls of a given, very large radius. It's very simple. Does it really sound strange to you?
There is absolutely no reason to compare matches of girls and guys, it's totally a different game.


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SHOCKING. is it really shocking? dude, guys want to f*ck girls, and as much as possible. That's it, this is all there is, this is what drives the dating/relationship/sex world, it has always been like that and always will be, in every species on earth. Tinder didnt change anything, except that in the past a guy tried to f*ck his neighbours from the building, and today he is trying to f*ck all girls of a given, very large radius. It's very simple. Does it really sound strange to you?
There is absolutely no reason to compare matches of girls and guys, it's totally a different game.
Calm down mate, no its not massively shocking to me , but the point i was making is that that was a bigger revelation than a balding guy gets less matches than non balding guy which is what this thread was about.


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sorry I sometimes see people do those stupid comparisons on matches between guys and girls like it suppose to mean something


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I think this is the third time I see this thread and article pop arround here.


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Do you ever wonder why people don't like you? I know I don't have to.

I was agreeing with you and on your side but, okay. Not sure, what crawled up your *** today but sure *shrugs* *rolls eyes*.


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Balding can impact your dating life...not like we didn't know that already. Tinder is pretty toxic though and isn't really representative of real life.


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The thing most shocking i find about this is the fact a male model got only 120 matches.
Thats less than an average looking fat girls gets in a week.The best looking girls get 1000+ in just 1 week, average girls will have well over 300.
An average looking guy will be extremely lucky to get 1 match a week with an average looking woman.
If you're an average or even avove average looking male NEVER go on tinder it will only give you depression.Stick to meeting women in real life.
I've never been on Tinder but a handful of other dating sites over the years - same thing every time 80% of the selection IS average to below average. And anything good is a fake profile 50% of the time with the motive to get people to subscribe or just someone looking to stroke their ego.
Most guys are just average, as most girls are, which is represenative of the general population being average - the problem arises when the 5/10 girl is looking for a 8/10 guy. Same goes for guys. Most of the 8-10/10 are usually not online since they have many options in the non-online dating world.


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And do note the ratio of online dating is a joke. For every woman there are 3 men on most dating sites, even worse on tinder if I remember correctly.
Yes, men being the testosterone based sex go there looking to get laid.

Just as a side note for those in their 20's that don't know better, 50% of sexually active adults have an STI, and don't just assume she will tell you. Imagine contracting herpes, then later finding someone you genuinely love and having to break it to them you have herpes - would you want to be involved with someone who will eventually infect you?! Your sexual market value on the dating scene will drop from a formidable 7/10 to 2/10 - life ruining.
Then we live in a world where taking a girl home after a night of drinking at the bar can result in a rape allegation/charge. You're one phone call away from having to fork over money for a lawyer and a criminal prosecution. These are things I've come to know luckily not from experience but observation. Don't want to sound like mom, but a moment of pleasure for a life time of pain is hardly worth it.


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His "full beard" pic is trash, wtf is that poor edit? You can't even see his lips, and no one actually looks like that with a beard.

In reality I know for 100% that I look better (younger and healthier) with a heavy stubble/short beard, it depends on the individual and doesn't matter what some half assed study says.


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That dudes a model???
I can believe it. To be a male model you just need to be tall and skinny with great hair. THAT'S ALL. I've seen some ugly/weird looking models (male and female) too.

Balding can impact your dating life...not like we didn't know that already. Tinder is pretty toxic though and isn't really representative of real life.
I get a lot of matches on the apps. They still go nowhere most of the time.

Even the conversations that start off extremely well and you actually feel a connection forming, usually somehow still go to sh*t a few days later.
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He's a NW2.5 with a naturally higher hairline which is accentuated by the loss he already had. Pretty normal for someone his age. In my observation, most 30yo men can't style their hair the same way they did 10 years ago. Don't be fooled by these big woofs of hair achieved by a combover. This "model" will have to do something in the next 5 years or suffer through this experiment for real.

The thinning hair is never a good look. We all know this. Having thinning hair while still being able to have a hairstyle, that's debateable. But in these cases, we all know he would look better if he just went ahead and shaved it all off.

Most importantly though, you would need to use different accounts, not just change the photos and so on. The algorithm is pretty harsh and you should not let your self worth be defined by something so small and miniscule. Most women I've dated never use dating apps or have used it for a short amount of time, deleting it after some bad encounters/approaches. There is a big world out there and someone will love you, with or without hair. You will probably not slay dozens of hot chicks by swiping right and driving 10 miles somewhere 10 minutes laters. But most people don't anyway. That's alright. Distance yourself from that illusion and try to live your life with your eyes wide open. Accept that you got dealt a bad hand. There's no denying that having no hairloss is better in every way. But there are still some good paths left.
Yeah, I think that women who stay on those apps for more than a little while are likely to be "a little off" mentally. Not all of them, there are some exceptions, but the majority for sure. You should be glad that the women you've met weren't a part of that culture.

I know it sounds harsh, but that's just my personal experience after spending a lot of time on the apps. I'm not an incel or a misogynist, women are precious and I love them. I'm a very social and charismatic guy too. But those dating app girls are just crazy.

I'm sure that a lot of women feel the same way about men on dating apps, just talking about my personal experience.