Bosley Hair Transplant


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Hello everyone just to give you a little background on my story im a 23 year old male who started losing hair maybe a little over a year ago. I do have a receding hairline and my hair is thinning on top. Nothing serious yet but i know it is comming. Long story short im going into a consoltation with bosley this tuesday. I was planning on doing a transplant to keep me from ever going bald. I know it is early but my idea was to keep adding hair as it was falling out to keep me from ever going bald. So that being said what have you heard of bosley and do you reccomend them. If not would you know of any doctors in the south florida area you could reccomend me go see. Thank you in advance cheers.


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I wouldn't recommend someone that young getting a transplant because contrary to what is told, you will continue to bald even if you get the transplant and you will run out of donor area. The best thing you could do is get on the big three and if that works out wait a few years and then get the transplant.


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Whats the deal with bosley. Initaly i just considered them because of there ads on tv. But now that i do more research im hearing a lot of bad stuff on them. Can anyone tell me more of what they do wrong?


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From what i hear they're overpriced, use outdated methods, and the results are less than satisfying.


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This whole hair loss battle is so fustrating. I do not know where to start either with propecia or the transplant. Im only 23 stil a nw1 progressing to a 2. But i dont want the sides with propecia. And as far as the transplant i dont want to do it to early not knowing how my baldness is going to progress and wasting useful donor hair! Man im about to give up


Senior Member
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Do not get a transplant unless you are on Propecia. That is the most simple, best advice anyone can give you. Have you even tried propecia? Only 2% of guys get side effects and they all come on here complaining about it while the other guys just live their life away from this site. I don't have any side effects. NW2 at 27 is so common you might not be losing hair very fast. Not sure what you call NW2, though.