Blood work ordered


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I just came back from my first derm visit (my story is posted under the story section). He suspects Telogen Effluvium because there are no large bald areas, just more general thinning. The tests he ordered:
CBC, ferritin, TIBC with iron
DHEAS, testosterone
tests for syphillis and autoimmune disorders
(I've already had my thyroid checked and it's normal).

Now, aren't the female hormones missing from this list, like estrogen, FSH, etc.... ??? I wonder if because I have never been pregnant, have not changed my birth control pill and am nowhere near menopause (I'm 28) he did not consider hormonal fluctuations?

Anyone have any thoughts on this? Overall, I was very pleased with my visit.


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blood tests

Hi Anita,

I'm glad to hear that you were happy with your doctor visit. As for your blood work, I would think those tests will be sufficient to rule in or out major deficiencies and imbalances. Excessive shedding is generally going to be the result of stress (surgery, illness), hormone fluctuations (namely: androgens), and thyroid issues. Your dermatologist may decide to delve deeper into the issue if nothing shows up in the first round of tests.

Keep us posted on your progress!
