Blood test results after 10 years on Finasteride.


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These are the results of my blood test.
10 years on 1,25 finasteride/day and a 1 year on minoxidil 3-4 ml per day.
need your comments particularly on DHT and hairloss retated numbers.

testo 6,9
testo free 130
DHEA-S 2,9
DHT 0,61
E2 (estradiol 27
Prog 0,5
T3 1,02
T4 7,3
TSH 1,99
Antibody 103
AntiM 80

the rest is all excellent (liver, colesterol and stuff..) plus for those who followed my recent mails my shedding is reduced by 70% which is still much given the fact i used to loose at least 200-350 hair/day for the last 3 months but VERY encouraging nevertheless.
I'll see how it goes and i'll be back on this in a couple of days with my ideas on what's happened.


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It seems that your T is lower, too. What is your age? How finasteride worked for you in those 10 years, did you receeded even a bit somehow?

Mop Top

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I don't know about a lot of those numbers, but that is very low testosterone.
Honestly, what kind of sexual sides have you been experiencing during this time??


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Normal testo range is 2,6-10 while normal DHT is 0,3-0,9.
Basically i've tested more than 20 different things and i'm about in the middle at any normal range in each one of them...the liver is also fine: SGOT/AST=24 and SGPT/ALT= 14.
Age 35. Sex appetite above average...quite often far above average.
I c*m once/day all of my life...only recently tried to avoid it due to massive shedding.
finasteride has kept my follicles alive but never really paid attention to how it worked. I was told it works for hair, i took it and that's about it.
I really feel it doesn't do much for me anymore but i'm not sure.
What do you think? Any comments on my DHT ?


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I've noticed my test's normal range differs from others guys's blood test results which means the count is not "unicoded". That's why Mop Top thought my testo was extremelly low.
Anyway, i think my DHT is ok as it is, even though the lower the better, right? I don't think there's any substantial benefit of having high DHT or am i wrong?


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two things..

uv stopped cummin one per day, coz of ur shedding?

Also, if that pic is of u, those pecs look slightly, (and im sorry this sounds offensive) but slightly like ther turning into breast like things.


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Hey Hairless -

I have alos been on Propecia for 8 - 10 years I am not sure. It seems as though you feel the same way as me. I don't really think it is working anymore??? Did I read one of your posts right, so you feel it's not working anymore. Also, I am going to the doctors next week for Blood tests, did you ask to test for this or did they just do it?


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My dermatologist prescribed all the tests and then she added some extra ones on my request. She was curious to see what problems the finasteride could have caused me after all these years and then check whether my hairloss had anything to do with thyro and stuff.

Guys you won't believe it. I know that this is a rather premature conclusion but once i took 2 avodart tablets (took 1st, then 2nd after 4 days) the shedding stopped.
Then i continued as before with finasteride only and in a couple of days it started again.

Yeah i know my tits look slightly like breasts in the pic but in real they look quite masculine. Much softer when touched however than one would have guessed .
Some men just can't resist them you know :wink:


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Think you can thank your wanking-schedule and finasteride for them "muscles"


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My Doctor. tested my test. levels. They came out in the 200 range, borderline low. I've been on Proscar for six years. He prescribed me Testim 1%, a daily testosterone supplement cream. As god is my witness, this stuff made my twig and berries grow the same day as the first application. In addition, I felt like I had the adrenaline of a 20 year old (I'm 37). I'm now lifting regularly, and feel vigorous. I know this has implications on my hair loss, but I've grown disillusioned w/these hair growing products. It seems as though for me, the frontal area is just destined to recede and thin. And, Ive been on Rogaine religiously since 1990. Honestly, I am skeptical about real hair growth w/any of this stuff. A slowing down of hairloss is what I think is the best scenario, and that;s what I shoot for. Having said that, I haven't given up hope. So, if anyone has suggestions for frontal thinning and recession, please let me know. I'll prob. need something now more than ever if I'm on testosterone.


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but the boobs!!?

dude can you explain the boobs. sorry. but i've just seen the boobs. sure they're fried eggs and arn't super huge, but do you think the finasteride has grown them?

forgive me bluntless. please let me know what you think. you mentioned about how soft they are, i'm bloody scared I don't want to grow soft to the touch boobs!!?? :freaked:


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Lifting weights makes you lose more hair according to dr baumen on morphollica website. He says from what he sees men susceptible to male pattern baldness lose hair faster that lift weights regulary then men who dont.


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maybe thats because guys who know they are balding want to build up and make some improvements in areas that they have control of.

you know - a lot of guys don't like the fact they're loosing their hair and decide to start working out, to become bald.. and hot haha. if you get me.

maybe thats bullshit anyway just a thought


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his chest is what you get felles when you lift weights and have a low body thats not gyno at all, if it wus gyno the whole pec would not be like that just under the niples and be pointy, his chest looks fine to me and im sure he does a lot of pushups or bench press to have a bigger chest.


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Not to be funny but his chest doesn't look fine to me. Those pecs have a very feminine shape to them.


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I mean a guy can do whatever the hell he wants i dont really care. Its just something like testosterone levels rise when you lift weights it makes sense kind of if you just think about it. So guys that routinely do it and are susceptible it makes sense would lose more hair. I doubt theres any studies so its all just talk really.


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Lol we are all pretty stupid, That's hardly gyno, That's what happens when you do loads of presses, And for the record there are tons of guys who wish they where built like that which may be why he's getting so much negativity.
And for weight lifting short bursts of workouts like lifting weights raises your testosterone levels, But things like intense cardio, lot's of running things like that lower it if your do them for long amounts of time.


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abcdefg said:
Lifting weights makes you lose more hair according to dr baumen on morphollica website. He says from what he sees men susceptible to male pattern baldness lose hair faster that lift weights regulary then men who dont.

As mark16v has already pointed out, this is a rather silly thing for a doctor to say, as the causation could be the other way round, i.e., people lift weights because they're losing their hair, and not lose their hair because they lift!!!


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My Doctor. tested my test. levels. They came out in the 200 range, borderline low. I've been on Proscar for six years.

Did you get your tests done while still ON propecia, or after you quit (or have you quit?)?

Do you have bloodwork before taking Finasteride to compare your testosterone level to?

Low T after finasteride use is a problem for some guys like myself that came off the drug and found our T production crashed...