blood test question -please help if you have had a blood tst



I want to go get a blood test because I am about to start propecia (generic). I want to see my estrogen levels before I start, so later if I want to compare, I have a base reference.

First, a question about price:
I am going to get a cholesterol test done at the same time, because I like to keep track of my health. They want $52 for that. For the estrogen test, they want $88. Even though it's from the same vial of blood, they want to charge me for both. So $52 + $88 = $140 that I have to pay!!! Does this seem a little much? It's from one of these Lab Test places that do everything, anytime. I didn't think it should cost more than $20. Suggestions? Prices?

What do I need checked? Just my estrogen level? Or testosterone level and other stuff too? Please be very specific, since I know nothing about this. (example: a cholesterol test is really 4 tests - Triglycerides, Total cholest, HDLs, LDLs).

Thank you!

The Gardener

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Another example of Rip Off Healthcare incorporated.

As for charging you for two tests, what they are saying is probably legit. They will probably not do both tests from the same vial of blood. They will take two vials of blood, and run the tests in parallel.

As for the cost of the tests, they certainly do sound expensive.


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You can get you hormone profile tested online thru saliva samples much cheaper than this, just google Hormone Saliva test. You can get testosterone, estradiol and a Thyroid profile for under $120. Oh, and it is just as accurate as blood samples.


Has no one paid less than $120 total for this? Again, I can get the hormone test for $88 - but with the cholesterol test it's $140. Has no one heard of a cheaper price?

What do I need to get tested? Just estrogen, or testosterone too? What else?


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My medical insurance covered 100% of a blood test :)