Blood in Semen


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I've been having a niggling discomfort in the lower abdomen/pubic area for around a week & half. I noticed this started very soon after starting Proscar. The sealed packet had expired in January 2011 but I thought that wouldn't be a problem. Used my pill cutter and took a quarter pill , felt like sh*t for a day , so waited a couple of days to take another qtr pill. Then I noticed that I was urinating 4 or 5 times at night and the urge to go was unbearable , couldn't hold it at all. Last night came the whopper when I discovered what looked like blood in my was a browny dark reddish colour. Of course I was scared shitless so did a bit of research online & discovered a lot of interesting info from "nothing to worry about/quite common to possible prostate cancer...etc...". I've taken both Propecia & Proscar in the past , probably the last time was about 12 - 15 mths ago and didn't have major reactions.
My regime includes daily exercise (walk 14 kms per day) , situps & other calesthenic exercises (30 - 40 min a day) light weights (30 min a day). I've lost 10 kilos so far but need to lose another 15. I also take natural products: Gingko Biloba , Nettle Root Extract , Maca , Green Tea , B Vitamins , MSM , Silicon and a product called Hair Restore Advanced that has He Shou Wu. I alternate these products daily. I started Minoxidal about 2 wks ago.
In another Forum they said too much Prostaglandin could be the culprit. I'm not sure if Proscar contains this or not. In that same forum someone said they had found blood in their semen after taking the blood thinning Gingko , though the amount I take is very small.
In any case I've decided to stop EVERYTHING for now , including the exercises and see how I go.
Any views , feedback , information or knowledge you may have on this subject will be very much appreciated. Cheers


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definitely go to your doctor..
one of finasteride's functions is essentially prostate atrophy... so it could well be the cause.
then again it could be something altogether unrelated.

of course don't take the word of a few people on the net... just get to your doctor asap..


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I know it's worrying about finasteride, but when I used to take Gingko, I tended to bleed a bit when I'd crap, my nose would bleed sometimes, and I'm sure once I noticed my semen was a bit pink.


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Thanks for the replies. As mentioned this happened to me Thursday night and I had to work on the wkd so couldn't see my GP until Monday. Unfortunately the niggling discomfort got worse when I noticed my left testicle became swollen and subsequently quite painful. I've had several tests done including urine , blood , as well as kidney , prostate , bladder ultrasounds. Tomorrow will have ultrasound of the testes and will then see my GP again with all the results to see what the hell I've got and how to fix it. In the meantime he's got me on antibiotics for possible infection & painkillers. I've stopped all hair loss treatments for the time being including the natural ones.


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I have recently suffered from blood in the semen, it lasted for 2 weeks and i was very concerned, but after speaking to my doctor and doing a little research i learned that it is actually very common and most of the time it will go away on its own.
The plus side is, the more you ejaculate, the quicker it will go away. Its very frightening at first but try not to worry, it should clear up.

To answer your question, fresher blood looks red (obviously) and would show up so in your semen.(This is probably coming from the urethra)
In my case it was older brownish blood which made the semen a rusty color with dark red/brownish flecks in (probably caused by damage to one of the many tubes down there!!)
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TheNazz said:
I've been having a niggling discomfort in the lower abdomen/pubic area for around a week & half. I noticed this started very soon after starting Proscar. The sealed packet had expired in January 2011 but I thought that wouldn't be a problem. Used my pill cutter and took a quarter pill , felt like sh*t for a day , so waited a couple of days to take another qtr pill. Then I noticed that I was urinating 4 or 5 times at night and the urge to go was unbearable , couldn't hold it at all. Last night came the whopper when I discovered what looked like blood in my was a browny dark reddish colour. Of course I was scared shitless so did a bit of research online & discovered a lot of interesting info from "nothing to worry about/quite common to possible prostate cancer...etc...". I've taken both Propecia & Proscar in the past , probably the last time was about 12 - 15 mths ago and didn't have major reactions.
My regime includes daily exercise (walk 14 kms per day) , situps & other calesthenic exercises (30 - 40 min a day) light weights (30 min a day). I've lost 10 kilos so far but need to lose another 15. I also take natural products: Gingko Biloba , Nettle Root Extract , Maca , Green Tea , B Vitamins , MSM , Silicon and a product called Hair Restore Advanced that has He Shou Wu. I alternate these products daily. I started Minoxidal about 2 wks ago.
In another Forum they said too much Prostaglandin could be the culprit. I'm not sure if Proscar contains this or not. In that same forum someone said they had found blood in their semen after taking the blood thinning Gingko , though the amount I take is very small.
In any case I've decided to stop EVERYTHING for now , including the exercises and see how I go.
Any views , feedback , information or knowledge you may have on this subject will be very much appreciated. Cheers

For peace of mind, visit your doctor but for the most part, if it happened just once, there's nothing to worry about. :)


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I haven't been on here for quite a while. It turned out that I had a urinary infection of some sort but they (the doctors) couldn't figure out which part of me was infected LOL. The kidneys were OK , as was the prostate , the bladder & the testicles so they assumed it had to be the "internal plumbing" (I guess that means the urethra or one/various of the tubes down there).
In any case I was put on very strong antibiotics , that made me quite sick actually , they were changed a week or so into the treatment. I was told to rest and not strain myself so had to take time off work. All up I think I was out of action for around a month and was completely better by May. I had to reassess my hair loss treatments and exercise regime so that I wouldn't have one of these episodes again. So far so good........though the hair ain't that great.


TheNazz said:
. I also take natural products: Gingko Biloba , Nettle Root Extract , Maca , Green Tea , B Vitamins , MSM , Silicon and a product called Hair Restore Advanced that has He Shou Wu. I alternate these products daily. I started Minoxidal about 2 wks ago.
In another Forum they said too much Prostaglandin could be the culprit. I'm not sure if Proscar contains this or not. In that same forum someone said they had found blood in their semen after taking the blood thinning Gingko , though the amount I take is very small.
In any case I've decided to stop EVERYTHING for now , including the exercises and see how I go.
Any views , feedback , information or knowledge you may have on this subject will be very much appreciated. Cheers

You need to stop taking all those supplements. This is a sign that your kidneys are being overworked. Note that these supplements are useless. You will pee most of it out and just put strain on your kidneys. Gingko is also a blood thinner and Nettle Root is a diuretic. Anyways, you're just buying the ingredients for very expensive urine.

Sheldon Cooper from big bang theory says it best.

Maca can theoretically increase dopamine, but more than likely you just pee it out. But there are many implications with dopamine boosting drugs and hair loss, so it probably won't do much.

Drop the supplements and just eat a healthy diet. Your body will get all the nutrients it needs and produce anything you don't get.


TheNazz said:
I haven't been on here for quite a while. It turned out that I had a urinary infection of some sort but they (the doctors) couldn't figure out which part of me was infected LOL. The kidneys were OK , as was the prostate , the bladder & the testicles so they assumed it had to be the "internal plumbing" (I guess that means the urethra or one/various of the tubes down there).
In any case I was put on very strong antibiotics , that made me quite sick actually , they were changed a week or so into the treatment. I was told to rest and not strain myself so had to take time off work. All up I think I was out of action for around a month and was completely better by May. I had to reassess my hair loss treatments and exercise regime so that I wouldn't have one of these episodes again. So far so good........though the hair ain't that great.

There are only 2 types of urinary infections and the most likely is a kidney infection given your supplement intake. Nettle root plant also can contain bacteria. Anyways, the doctor sounds incompetent if he can identify it as a urinary infection but not able to pinpoint where the infection exists.