Biotin For Thinning Hair, Is It A Good Idea?


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Hey everyone.

I'm going through some serious hair loss, I'm 23 and the roots of my hairs are barely visible when I examine the fallen soldiers.

I wanted to get either 5000 mcg or 10000 mcg Biotin pills tomorrow from the supplement store, is it a good idea and will I most likely see results?

I don't want to take propecia or rogaine or any of that stuff I want natural treatments!! I've been applying olive, coconut, castor, argon and even mustard seed oils to my hair with no success.

Another thing: I barely eat anything because I try to avoid genetically modified foods. My dad started losing his hair at 30. I want to get married! I can't lose my hair! :(



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hey dude

First of all, if your dad started losing his hair or lost it at age 30, it's a genetic thing. It does not mean you will bald the same amount or at the same age, but if you have baldness in your family and you notice baldness is happening to you, there is a good chance it is male pattern baldness and genetic. Most of us have been through what you're going through, so I feel for you. What's important is that you caught it when you did and can start doing something about it.

As for Biotin, I tried it for a few months and saw no might be something you want to add later but it will not make a big difference, most likely.

Unfortunately, natural treatments are not going to cut it. male pattern baldness is genetic, which means you are going to have to bite the bullet and try propecia (finasteride) and perhaps rogaine (minoxidil). I would start with finasteride first. Despite the spooky risks associated with it, I think it's relatively safe and you pretty much need it to STOP the balding. Minoxidil can help thicken and even regrow hair (in certain people) but it will not block the root cause of hairloss, which is essentially what finasteride does.

I know it sucks, the idea of taking medication. But what you need to do right now is admit to yourself that you are balding. Don't try to blame it on your diet. You would have to be very malnourished to be losing hair because of what you eat. Like on the verge of death.

So for now, admit that you are balding. Go see a doctor. Tell him you are balding and want to try medication for it. The sooner you do it, the better off you will be as far as saving and perhaps regrowing a bit of hair.

The good news is you are most likely catching it early and despite the nature of hairloss medications, there are definitely some new and better medications on the horizon. But the more hair you save now, the better off you will be.

tl;dr- Biotin won't do anything. Read up in this forum about finasteride and minoxidil and what they do. See a doctor ASAP. good luck


My Regimen
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I'm on Biotin, mixed with Min, quite a few other supplements, and starting finasteride too.

Biotin's so cheap that I'll just continue using it, my 200 tablets was like 10 dollars or less. But to be honest, I doubt it's worth trying on it's own, you're pretty much wasting your time. If you have male pattern baldness there's no point fussing about with Biotin, you're losing time on keeping the hair you have or even re-growth.

So basically it won't hurt, it might help, a little (and I don't even know) but as the above poster says, and most people agree, you need finasteride or Minoxidil.

The good news is you are most likely catching it early and despite the nature of hairloss medications, there are definitely some new and better medications on the horizon

Is my desperation showing when I really wanna know what you're referring to?

Or refer me to another thread/forum on here that discusses upcoming medications. I don't like false hope but a little positivity doesn't hurt for a placebo effect.


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Is my desperation showing when I really wanna know what you're referring to?

Or refer me to another thread/forum on here that discusses upcoming medications. I don't like false hope but a little positivity doesn't hurt for a placebo effect.

Well there is stuff like Setipiprant that forum members have begun trying out. That shows promise. As does some other stuff. And we have stuff like stem cell procedures in the far off future.

So anyone taking finasteride or minoxidil to stave off baldness now will probably have better options in less than a decade. Probably not a cure any time soon, but affordable, more effective treatment options for sure, especially when it comes to regrowth.

Check out this part of the forum