Big3nme's Story - 14 month update (new regimen/pics)


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Re: Big3nme's Story - ( 22/ PICS /4 months min+nizoral, 2 month finasteride)

minoxidil 5 month, finasteride 3 month update. Everything is still going well. Still no serious sides. Hair feels thicker and healthier than ever. Making slow but noticeable progress. There are literally hundreds (if not thousands) of white colorless hairs sprouted all over the top of my head. I'm hopeful they will thicken up and gain color in the months to come.

Here is a pic, buzzed 2 last night:


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Re: Big3nme's Story - ( 22/ PICS /5 months min+nizoral, 3 month finasteride)

hey mate thought I would check out your thread after you replied on mine...

definately looks like you are making slow steady progress... encouraging stuff!

when you apply the retin-a, do you then shower before applying minoxidil? or are you applying minoxidil on top of the retin-a?

have you thought about trying different types of minoxidil? there is a guy in success stories who uses 5% regaine foam in the morning, and 2-3ml 5% kirkland liquid at night, with 1mg finpecia and nizoral... he has AMAZING results! I plan to eventually mirror his regime.


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Re: Big3nme's Story - ( 22/ PICS /5 months min+nizoral, 3 month finasteride)

randomtask said:
when you apply the retin-a, do you then shower before applying minoxidil? or are you applying minoxidil on top of the retin-a?

My usual order goes Shower -> Retin-A -> Wait 30-60 minutes -> minoxidil
I might switch it up to Shower -> minoxidil -> Wait 1 hour -> Retin-A
Since I think minoxidil will have better absorption right after a shower. I think the timing between retin-a and minoxidil is not important.

randomtask said:
have you thought about trying different types of minoxidil? there is a guy in success stories who uses 5% regaine foam in the morning, and 2-3ml 5% kirkland liquid at night, with 1mg finpecia and nizoral... he has AMAZING results! I plan to eventually mirror his regime.

Can you link me to this story? I don't plan on trying different types of minoxidil (yet). I am using Kirkland 5% twice daily. I use 2ml each application (1ml on top/temples and 1ml vertex/crown).

Probably after a year I will move up to 10/12/15% minoxidil. The Kirkland 5% minoxidil is just so cheap I want to give it time to work before increasing the concentration.


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Re: Big3nme's Story - ( 22/ PICS /5 months min+nizoral, 3 month finasteride)

why not retin-a, wait 30-60 min, shower, minoxidil? that is the way it is done with dexpanthanol, apply and allow it time to dissolve the sebum, wash it out, then apply minoxidil.

this is the thread for the guy using foam in the morning and liquid at night:


yeh give it a year or even two before you move up the minoxidil... you might need that stronger stuff when you're older so don't wanna build a tolerance to it now!


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Re: Big3nme's Story - ( 22/ PICS /5 months min+nizoral, 3 month finasteride)

randomtask said:
why not retin-a, wait 30-60 min, shower, minoxidil? that is the way it is done with dexpanthanol, apply and allow it time to dissolve the sebum, wash it out, then apply minoxidil.

Interesting.. I guess my concern is how long does it take for the retin-a to be completely absorbed. I don't want to be washing it off before its 'done.' ?

And wow, Peaboddy's results are incredible. It seems like people who are going to have success seem to have it very early on. Not looking good for me but I wont give up.


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Re: Big3nme's Story - ( 22/ PICS /5 months min+nizoral, 3 month finasteride)

So just documenting this. Having switched to Fincar split into 1/4 (1.25mg of finasteride) from Finpecia (1mg finasteride) I have been having ball ache on and off the past few days. Im not sure if this is because of the increase in dosage (1 => 1.25mg) or maybe my finpecia was fake? Last night I tried to cut my 1/4's in half to get .625mg to see if the ache would fade.. wasn't very easy cutting them in half though.

I remember reading someone's post / blog about dissolving finasteride in water and drinking it to get a more precise dosage.

ie. I could crush and dissolve a 5mg fincar pill into some water and then it would be easier to divide the water up than it is to cut a pill into 1/8's.

any thoughts on that?


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Re: Big3nme's Story - ( 22/ PICS /5 months min+nizoral, 3 month finasteride)

So I realized the pictures I have been taking (overhead shots looking down on my hair) make it look much better than it really is. Took some today from a lower angle to help in comparison shots. Also took one of my crown, realized I never had one of those either.

You can really see how diffuse my hair is, poor density all over. The smaller sized images do make it look slightly better, but if you click on it to see full version doesn't look as good.

Anyways, no changes to regimen other than already noted. Ball ache is still present after switching to Fincar. Hopefully I can stay off these damn forums until my next monthly update.



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Re: Big3nme's Story - ( 22/ PICS /5 months min+nizoral, 3 month finasteride)

So missed my 6th month update (July 15th). I didn't really feel like taking pictures and posting (not much progress) but I decided I should do it for the sake of having it for future reference.

I do actually have some updates to my regimen I should note. So last post I had talked about how I switched from finpecia to fincar and started getting ball ache. Well I had made the decision to stop taking finasteride altogether. I was off it for a little over 2 weeks and it could have been in my head but I think I started shedding. Even if I didn't, I decided I needed to stay on it so I have started taking it again and have been on it for a little over a week now without any ball ache. I am pretty sure it weakens my erections but thats something Im willing to deal with for now.

Aside from stopping and starting finasteride I have also added RU to my regimen. I did my first application last night! My PG still has not arrived yet so I only used 50mg last night in 3ml of everclear. Soon as my PG comes I am going to increase it to 125-150mg daily for the first month or so and reduce after that.

I also purchased a derma-roller but have not received that either.

Once that comes my regimen will look like this:

- 5% Liquid minoxidil twice daily
- 1.25mg of fincar daily
- .05% Retin-a daily
- 2% Nizoral every other day
- RU (125-150mg with 3ml everclear + 1ml pg) daily
- Derm-Roller (not sure how often yet, probably every other day)
-3000mg MSM daily
- 4 fish oil capsules daily
- multivitamin daily

Sure is a lot.. hopefully it starts working.

I still want to add either Emu Oil or Aloe Vera and I'm considering Fluridil. I'll probably give my updated regimen another 6 months to see how it goes before making more changes.

Once I hit the 1 year mark, depending on my situation at that point I might consider bumping up my minoxidil to 10-15% solution.

As far as my current progress, I like to think its slowly getting better but Im not really sure anymore. There are definitely lots of white hairs growing on the top of my head (if you look at the larger version of my top pic below youll see them all) that if they got pigment + a little thicker would help with my overall density a lot. That's what Im hoping RU will kickstart. We'll see.

Here are the latest pics:


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Re: Big3nme's Story - 6 months min+nizoral, 4 month finasteride, started RU

I got ball ache on fincar too but I just kept through it and it went away.


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Re: Big3nme's Story - 6 months min+nizoral, 4 month finasteride, started RU

So a few days late for my 7 month update. I won't be posting pictures this month because I don't want to buzz my hair =)

This is the longest my hair has been since starting treatments and a few weeks ago I got my first real haircut in almost 2 years! Ever since I started balding I decided to just buzz my own hair with clippers every 2 weeks. I decided I wanted to see how my hair would look if I got it cut with the sides/back shorter than the top to help hide the loss. I think it came out great.

My hair continues to slowly get better. I basically stopped taking finasteride this last month which was probably a bad idea even though I didn't notice any shedding.

I also haven't noticed any shedding from the RU which I've been on for about 3 weeks now.

I don't plan on making any changes to my regimen for a long time, I think what I currently am doing I will hold on to for the next 6 months and see where I am at. I am extremely optimistic I will be a total success by then *knocks on wood*

I'll post some pictures next time I get a haircut, until then, good luck my brothers and never give up the fight.


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Re: Big3nme's Story - 7 months min+nizoral, ~5 finasteride, started RU)

Hows the hair doing ?

You still on ru or back on finasteride, how's that working out ?



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Re: Big3nme's Story - 7 months min+nizoral, ~5 finasteride, started RU)

irishpride86 said:
Hows the hair doing ?

You still on ru or back on finasteride, how's that working out ?


hey irish -- hair is doing amazing.

Missed my 8 month update so I'll give a quick one now.

My regimen has been as follows:

minoxidil 2x daily 5% (3ml per application, 1ml each for crown/top/front) - 8 months
1.25mg finasteride daily (fincar cut into 1/4ths) - 7 months but took at least a month off about a month ago.

RU 1x daily (dropped down to 50-70mg a day, used 150mg day for first month) - 2 months

2% Nizoral EOD - 8 months
Derma Rolling EOD - 1 month

Here are some pictures. My hair is a bit longer in these shots because I stopped buzzing it.

Just got some EMU oil, hopefully that will help as well.

Youll notice my top/front/temlpes are recovering much better than my crown. I blame this on my lichen planopilaris I mentioned earlier. Ive been doing research on this "disease" and it was recently discovered to have a strong link to Insulin - IGF levels in the blood and that some drug Actos (for type 2 diabetes) actually cured it in some people. I am looking into this still but it looks promising. Ive also read on here that the same thing can actually cause hair loss (people eating gluten free diets and other blood sugar related things).

In any case, my hair continues to get better.




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Re: Big3nme's Story - 7 months min+nizoral, ~5 finasteride, started RU)

What kind of ru you been using the company that starts with a k or f?

How have you been mixing your ru, notice results from it ?

Been through any massive sheds since starting ?

I'm thinking of going back on finasteride but scared due to Telogen Effluvium reaction I got from it, although Nosnim on minoxidil and ru now, so that may help with the Telogen Effluvium reaction ...

What do you think ?


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Re: Big3nme's Story - 7 months min+nizoral, ~5 finasteride, started RU)

irishpride86 said:
What kind of ru you been using the company that starts with a k or f?

How have you been mixing your ru, notice results from it ?

Been through any massive sheds since starting ?

I'm thinking of going back on finasteride but scared due to Telogen Effluvium reaction I got from it, although Nosnim on minoxidil and ru now, so that may help with the Telogen Effluvium reaction ...

What do you think ?

Been using k ru.

I mix 3ml of EC with about .75ml of PG and starting tonight I will be adding a bit of emu oil but im not sure if I should just apply emu oil separately. As you know its not really possible for me to tell whats working and whats not since I am using so many things but I know its not hurting and my hair does keep getting better so I can only assume its working.

No massive sheds but I still only shed little short hairs even though my hair is longer now. Im not concerned about that though.

In my opinion I would get back on finasteride. I think its a great addition to RU. Give it a shot and if you have your Telogen Effluvium reaction again give it up for good.


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Re: Big3nme's Story - (7 months min+nizoral, ~5 finasteride, started RU)

Just checking in for my 9 month update today. Not much to report other than I've been shedding pretty heavily on my crown for the last month or so. Not really worried, im actually kind of excited because my crown has been lagging waaaaay behind front/top of my head. Could finally on its way back.. who knows.

Also bought some tricomin when I made my 12 month minoxidil purchase yesterday. Maybe that will help something.

Will hold off for new pics


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Re: Big3nme's Story - (9 months min+nizoral, ~5 finasteride, started RU)

Why Tricomin Big3?


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Re: Big3nme's Story - (13 months min+nizoral) RU/tricomin

Noticed I haven't updated my thread in a long time..

maelstrom, I added tricomin because I heard it could help reduce scarring and overall scalp health.. my scalp needs all the help it can get :(

As far as updates go.. i stopped taking finasteride altogether a few months ago..not sure exactly when.. it was probably a mistake as I think my hair has been getting worse since but I was convinced I was experiencing sexual sides.. nothing has really changed since stopping as far as that goes so Im really not sure what to think.. maybe it's all in my head..

I have started up RU again as well, I had stopped it along the same time as I stopped finasteride due to pure lazinesss (I guess that's what happens when your hair gets stop caring/worrying as much) but now that Ive noticed it getting worse again I am back on it.

I never once stopped minoxidil or nizoral though, they have been completely consistent for the whole 13 months so far and I do usually remember to dermaroll my head, I feel like at the very least it helps me absorb the minoxidil and might help on its own.

I know it's fairly pointless to use minoxidil without an antiandrogen but I guess ill hope RU can hold out on that front.

I'll try to get some pictures up but im not sure how helpful they will be because I tend to wear my hear a bit longer these days.. haven't buzzed it in a long time.


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Re: Big3nme's Story - (9 months min+nizoral, ~5 finasteride, started RU)

I am eager to nsee if RU can hold down the fort since stopping finasteride.


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Re: Big3nme's Story - 14 months later

Greetings everyone..

Well I wanted to post an update so I can get some new "base" pictures up as I am trying to get serious again with my regimen as I've had quite the fallout since becoming lazy with it.

Throughout the whole 14 months I never stopped minoxidil or nizoral at all mind you, though I have missed a few days here and there..not a big deal from what I hear.

finasteride/RU were never terribly consistent though. I think I made it about 5 months consistent on finasteride before I ended up quitting (I am actually considering going back on at a low dose but we'll see). I think I made it 2 or 3 months on RU consistent before that stopped as well.

I am now coming back stronger than ever to hopefully make some real progress. Here is my new regimen:


~3ml 5% Kirkland minoxidil (Cover entire NW6/7 area)
~80mg RU mixed with 75% Ethanol / 25% PPG
2% Miconazole Nitrate (Spread over entire thinning areas)

2mg biotin
1.5mg MSM
2tbsp Apple Cider Vinegar mixed with 12oz of water


~3ml 5% Kirkland minoxidil
5% S5 spironolactone Cream (cover entire NW6/7 area)
Few sprays of tricomin

2mg biotin
1.5mg MSM
2tbsp Apple Cider Vinegar mixed with 12oz of water

Shower with Nizoral every other day
Dermaroll my scalp once or twice a week

The pictures I just took are under strong lighting and after my morning applications so my hair was a little greasy. I also used a comb to comb it forward. It definitely looks way worse than when it is dried, "styled", and not under such strong light (I hope!)

I realize this regimen is a bit extreme and might be hard to keep up with but I will try my best and take pictures every month to see how it's going.

Im actually considering taking a low dose .25mg of finasteride to see how that goes, Im still not 100% sure the sides weren't completely mental.. Maybe i'll ride this regimen out for a couple months and see how it's looking without the finasteride. I figure spironolactone+RU+nizoral should be enough to not need the finasteride but I figure if I had the finasteride it would be that much better.. who knows.

Here are the pictures. Two of the top of my head (both temples, and two angles of my crown). You can see my right temple is way worse than my left.


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optimus prime

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OK, I will give you my 2 cents.

Your hair looks to me like it is improving. I would use less minoxidil because I believe minoxidil is great for activating dormant hair follicles. I think your hair follicles are not dormant, just very thin. Maybe use once a day on crown.

I would stick with RU morning and spironolactone evening. I would give that a run for 6 months to 1 year. In that time I think your hair will shed like crazy as the thin hair falls so thicker hair can replace it. Some months it will look awful, but it will get back as long as no itch. I would forget finasteride.

If you find that after 1 year your hair loss is worse then I would add or change something. If you find you are maintaining or slightly better, then I would go for another year without changing anything.

It took me 3 years to get good results from finasteride. I think I am now going to change to RU and spironolactone S5 and see how it goes. From what people say RU and spironolactone S5 should be as affective as finasteride.

I seriously doubt the finasteride side effects were in your head.

Your hair loss is very similar to mine. Hairline is fine, but scalp is think all over. (Although finasteride has thickened my scalp up now). My crown is still thin, but the crown takes much longer to recover.