BIG 3 for 3 yrs need suggestions on adding to regiment


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Hi everyone been a lurker and now first time poster, Thank you to everyone for all the information on here. Ive been on the Big 3 for roughly 3 years now, my hair in the crown in the back is good and so is the hair in the front my problem has been temples and receding at the sides of the hairline.

Seems like im losing ground on the sides of hair line its becoming thinning just wanted opions of what you guys think i should add to the BIG 3, I feel like I need to step my regiment up and add to the BIG 3 but unsure and confused on what to use. Been researching and thinking of adding the spironolactone cream and my the tricomin spray. Any help and Ideas and Info would be greatly appreicated.




New Member
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Thanks man I read that earlier its really awesome you put all that together...Kind of wanted to see if any had experience in my situation and what they used as well, i do appreicate the work you put into that thanks


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anybody been in my situation and added to the their regime...any advice thought or insights would be greatly appreciated.



Established Member
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I am at the exact same situation as you. I've been on the big 3 for 3.5 years and it did work for some time. However during the last months i've been losing a lot of hair on the temples and I need to add something. The question is what?


New Member
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Thanks thegrayman, Im thinking about adding dr. lee's 15% i think he has it out in lotion form now and also his Spironolactone Lotion 5% w/o Propylene Glycol. I have the consultation form sending it back today....was wondering if anyone has used the 15% and spironolactone from dr. lee and if they had success for them or any other suggestions thanks for all the replys