Best Way To Try It Out, And Scalp Irritation.


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Although I really don't want to admit it, and I try to hold out hope, I think it's time to admit I might need to look into hair pieces. I tried to cope with how my hair is, but it's giving me severe body dismorphia to the point I can't work, am housebound, and get panic attacks when I have to leave. It's obviously not working.

A couple concerns: I don't have a lot of money, so I was thinking I could order a parcial piece for my hairline and see how that goes. Would that be a good idea? Are there places you can order partial pieces from?

My scalp gets very easily red and is often irritated, would gluing/taping a hair system down possibly cause a reaction?

I also am starting to get some small regrowth at the front of my hairline, could the tape or glue hurt that?


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Hi Wheeljack

Sounds like it is worth exploring hair replacement if your hairloss is getting you down that badly. You certainly can order partial pieces, and if a partial piece is all you need to restore your hair then that is what you should do. You can get good ones on-line for around $200.

It is possible you could get a scalp reaction: you won't know till you try it. Obviously you can do a test patch first. You can use a scalp protector (barrier liquid) to protect your scalp, and you can also use a strong hair gel as an adhesive for the system. Both of those will minimise the chance of a bad reaction.

If you wear a system you will need to shave off your regrowth, or else design the system around it. It would be a bad idea to leave the growth in place and put adhesive on top of it, because that could cause traction alopecia from continual tugging on the hairs.
