best way for takin proscar


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Hey guys ... i went yesterday to a hair care center, and the doctor prescribed for me propecia, so i told him about proscar and splitting it into 4ths. he taught me how to split into 4ths the correct way and when to take the tablets.

1mg of propecia every 24 hours = 1.25 mg proscar every 30 hours
i know this might sound crazy but this is the best way to take your proscar. so lets say i take it today at 1 pm, ill take it tomorrow at 7pm, the day after at 1 am, and the day after 7am (always add 6 hours to when u took it the day before)
you can do your program as suitable as possible and if ure early or late 1 hour or so this wont be any problem.

Money wise its also the best solution because:
1 proscar has 30 tablets meaning 120 qs
120 qs every 30 hours means 3600 hours
3600/24 = 150 days which is 5 months supply

on the other hand takin 1.25 mg a day will give you a 4 months supply only.. and over time the first way is much better.
anyways good luck everyone


Established Member
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I take 1.25 every four days then skip the fifth. Some have mentioned that this will work just as well b'c Finasteride has a long half-life, meaning it stays in effect in your system for a while. Also, this may avoid raising one's tolerance to Finasteride.


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I put 2 proscar pills in a little bottle with a dropper cap mixed in with 10ml of the highest proof alcohol I have at the time.

I then ensure that the tablets have been dissolved and then take 1ml per day of the liquid. I then keep the bottle in a little bar fridge.

2 proscar tablets = 10mg + 10ml of alcohol mixed = 1ml a day

I have done this for the last 5 years with NO loss of efficacy or maintenance.

I remember someone (George Miu?) on the newsgroup alt.baldspot back in 1998/99 used this method.


Senior Member
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Try this. Take 1 or 2 tablets orally with a 5th of Patron Silver daily.

You'll be so fucked up that you won't even remember your name... much less you're losing your hair. :)

Alcohol. Magic in a bottle. Makes white people think they can dance, makes ugly girls attractive, and makes depressed people think they're confident.

God bless Patron.


Experienced Member
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take 1.25mg every third day, 0.8mg every other day at 7pm and 1pm then on the remaining days take 0.5 mg twice a day but only once if the previous day has been before (or after) 1pm.



Established Member
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I'm too lazy to do anything fancy like melt the tablets down or figure out exact times so i just take 1.25mg a day.