* Best * Hairloss * Site * Punk * EVER! *


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That´s a legendary one.


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Heres the post:

shoot them a couple of emails, just to waste their time hey it's fun!!

try and keep your emails cryptic, never have english as your first language, always mention money in early emails and slowley move the conversation onto unrelated subjects.

in the exchange below I am Leonuisé (MR Lee T W) from Krakow, Poland

their replies and my emails are not edited in any way

I will see how long I can keep this going, probably untill they realise they aren't going to be getting any money out of 'Leonuisé'

Hi guys

I saw you web site for NU HAIR and this stuff it sounds fantastic!

I am 48 with all receding/male pattern baldness and of course the hair thin for maybe 10 years

number one: how much can it cost for me for 6 months tablets?

Is OK to eat NU HAIR when you have Mägengeschwüre (sorry no english)

Do you transport with mail to Poland, Krakow?

can you take off from credit card? (Visa)

Sorry for all english can be rubbish! (with Poland(Krakow))

Maybe Thanks

Mr Lee T W



Thank you for your recent interest in Nu Hair at http://www.nuhair-hair-loss-balding-treatment.com

Yes, we ship to Poland.

The cost of six months of the Nu Hair Tablets is $250.00 US. We accept credit cards. Please place your order online at our website.

Thank you
Customer Service


Hi guys

Thankyou very much.

Good for Krakow Poland (SHIP TO POLAND) is great, thank you, what maybe 2 or 4 weeks (1 month)??

$250.00 US is good also (937 PLN), fine no problems, now I am putting wooden floor in houses for proffesion (job) for japanese also american family

only to check is OK to eat NU HAIR when you problem Mägengeschwüre (sorry no word for english)??


Mr Lee T W


Hi ,

Shipping to Poland will be 7-11 days!

Nu Hair can be taken safely and effectively with Mägengeschwüre.

Customer Service


Hi guys

Thank you very much.

wow! 7 - 11 days (1 week!) is good (saolenie)

maybe also to grow in the hole (grëutiffe) all hair?? 6 months OK?? or maybe 12 months (1 year)??

Translation for english (from at goodle . com internet) Mägengeschwüre = Stomach Ulcers, also OK, no??

thank you, also 6 months = 250 USdollar, 12 months (1 year)= 500 USdollar correct??

also from all ingredents inside NU-HAIR no problems?? (slide effects)

it is not below the law (Poland) to shipp to Poland??

thenk you for all the help on the internet.

Mr Lee T W


Yes, we are aware that it is Stomach Ulcers.

Yes, 1 year is $500.00

Thank you
Customer Service


Hi again

thankyou for email with answers so fast.

OK all great!!

1 year is for 500 dollar ( I say this is no problem with diffrent job with putting wooden floor (laminate) for family etc)....great also.(no problem!!)

Ulscers of Stomach (Mägengeschwüre) also no such problem with NU HAIR this is also great, this can be very good! before I am using Rogaine 2 percent (%?) (from internet), I drink Rogaine only in morning before work (éin saolenie) this makes me become feeling sick (translation on google??=like to "throw-up or vomit") all for 7 months and no additional in hair, maybe waste all money on Rogaine??

NU HAIR let us do 'the deal' for hair now!! (ha-joking)

I can send all my VISA nombrals / voscíclúe from card, at the same email??

great news!!

also my first name: Leonuisé (like Poland football captain--ha!)

thankyou Customer Service (is name?)


Yes, you may send your visa numbers and expiration date.

Please also send your name and shipping address.

Thank you


Hi Castomers Service (is name?)

I whant for 12 months (1 year) for sure.

the name of my house, like this (spelling):

224 Bésthvürne Straße Olêin
Patricíre Stadtmitte
Krakow 44U 2QP

questions to check

so OK with ulscers (no problem) X

ship to Poland also (no problem) X

for one year (12 manths) (500 dollers (USD) (no problem) X

VISA= fine "we axcept this card not problem" X


maybe then is OK for to still drink Rogaine in morning with NU HAIR (maybe hair is faster??)

thankyou for talking to all my questions!

Leonuisé (Mr Lee T W)




so OK with ulcers (no problem) X

ship to Poland also (no problem) X

for one year (12 months) (500 dollars (USD) (no problem) X

VISA= fine "we accept this card not problem" X

Yes, to all. You can still use Rogaine with Nu Hair.

Thank you
Customer Service


Hi again

appologise for many questions, is no problem to ask to many?

from your website where is says this:

"Silica, Pantothenic acid, Folic acid, Iodine and Zinc -- all nutrients vital for normal, vigorous hair-growth have been added."

what are phrases "vigorous hair" mean?? is this same as fast hair grow (dence hair maybe like black lady or man)??

thankyou for again all the information about NU HAIR for Poland.



Yes, fast hair growth.

Castomers Service

I can axpect dence hair maybe like black lady or man??




i haven't got a reply from them for that last one yet


Senior Member
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Castomers Service

I can axpect dence hair maybe like black lady or man??





You can expect hair regrowth which is heavy and thick.

Thank you
Customer Service

Hello thankyou again with fast email

this is great news "You can expect hair regrowth which is heavy and thick."

how long (for months) can this take (maybe 6 months/250 dollar---or maybe 12 months /500 dollar)??

maybe I can make hair for 6 months "heavy and thick" I can also save (google translation="to keep or preserve") 250 dollar??

thank you for help




Yes, 6 months is $250.00, 12 months is $500.00.

Yes, you will be able to preserve your hair and grow hair with both quantities.

Customer Service


three days later


Dear Sir,

We have not heard back from you. Do you wish to order Nu Hair?

Customer Service


who is this??

excuse, I do not know who this email name??

what do you want??


Mr Lee T W


This was in regard to the Nu Hair for hair loss.


Hi, Castomer Service!!

appoligise for my mistake.

I speak to my droctor and she said I would to try propreca??

propreca in Krakow cost very expensive for droctor (mediêc) (like $800 dollar in only one year)

so I am to look at google and can find no propreca??

Is better for hairloss to eat propreca or better for hairloss to eat NU-Hair ?? (and also for to drink rogaine)

many Thanks castomer service

also what are phrases 'regard' mean, is like king or queen????

Leonuisé T W



Propecia is not as good as Nu Hair. Nu Hair is a much better treatment and less expensive!

Customer Service


Senior Member
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Propecia is not as good as Nu Hair. Nu Hair is a much better treatment and less expensive!

Customer Service


Thankyou Castomer Service for you fast email in reply

I am to tell my droctor that she is liar and possibly b**** (american word means stupid)
all time she try to take money for all problems (like hair fall off, Mägengeschwüre, also bad skin on all legs)

propreca is garbage for sure, I know it make man into suiettüe-homme (google translation="homosexual")
instead I am buying NU-HAIR for one years ($500) dollar. for sure

I am recieve money from japanese lady for making wooden floor tonight (Poland time) maybe $485 dollar US
is OK for 1 year NU-HAIR for only $485 dollar US??

Thnakyou for your kind REGARDS (all time I learn new american worms)




1 Year $450.00!!

Do you want to order?


"Hi there buddy"
"how are you going"

thank for email response and 1 year for 450 dollar, GREAT NEWS!! PREFECT NEWS!!

I am to meet Japanese Lady soon and take from lady $485 dollar (USD) (it is money for my proffesion to make wooden floor)

I meet her in carparking at 'Paulinas' Dinner' in Krakow near opera house (for singing like theatre)

is also OK for my son to eat NU-HAIR (also BIG PROBLEM with male pattern baldness also thinning ONLY 18!! years of old.."poor little bastard" (is like swear language in American??)

if OK for my son (name also Leonuisé) to eat NU HAIR maybe also GREAT NEWS for $450 dollar???

"10-4 big baddy"



Senior Member
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Hilarious stuff - I nearly got a mangenschwure laughing! :lol:

I'm bumping the original thread, it's too damn good...


Senior Member
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HAHA it kept getting better! Genius! That is some funny shiit


Established Member
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Aplunk1 said:
A very good post.

I wonder who "Guest" was... or is.

TynanW / Radio - an infamous member with incredible photoshop skills, but who always had way too much time on his hands!
I'm sure some of the older members surely miss his antics as I do.


Experienced Member
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yes indeed


Reaction score
dude that's one of the funniest things i've ever read...

i can see you're quite inspired by Borat (he's the photo for those who don't know)


Established Member
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Aplunk1 said:
A very good post.

I wonder who "Guest" was... or is.

As mentioned before, it was a poster with the name TynanW. Apparently there were some differences between him and the owners of this site that were never reconciled.

It's a shame too; his posts were often hilarious. He posted under another name, Branco, in which he assumed a similar role to that which he played under what you see as "Guest."