best hair transplant surgeons in europe?


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considering hair transplant at some point, be it sooner or later

based in UK but obviously avoiding anything over here

where are the best places/surgeons in europe that can do a great job

just mainly hairline work, perhaps some crown, not even that many grafts needed, just to strengthen hairline and perhaps bring it a bit lower.


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Belgium has two doctors with good reps, Dr. Feriduni amd Dr Jean Devroye, there are plenty of research before decided anything...I waited over 2 years, by which time I was clued up on the hair transplant industry, as their are lots of crooks about with the conscience of a psychopath.


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I've had two procedures with Dr. Rogers in the UK, very happy with the results.
(It's a myth that the UK has no good surgeons, though they are rare).


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Theres good though and theres the best... :whistle:


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yer ive heard many bad things about uk surgeons and dont want to risk it, but you say dr rogers was a good one?

im more tempted to go to europe for this if the better surgeons are out there!


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Dr. Rogers is pretty much world class though I don't really like the term "world class", different surgeons have slightly different offerings. Dr Rogers pioneered a lot of the techniques that other surgeons use and is always in communication with the other "elite" surgeons on ways they can all improve.

He won't do the mega density sessions that you'll get in some other clinics (by choice), but his work is superb. That being said, still do your research. I will *absolutely* recommend any one have a consult with Dr. Rogers though, his quality is at least as good as the very best in the world.

I've had two procedures with him, and will almost certainly get a third to finish the job. I went through all the "top" surgeons globally and still came back to Rogers as the best choice for me (though of course YMMV).

The deal breaker for me was he was the only surgeon amongst the worlds best who was able to do my hair transplant without shaving my head. He's also an extremely nice and genuine guy, you meet him at a consult rather than having to deal with some lackeys.

I've got loads of pictures and videos of the procedures in my progress thread here -

One thing I will add, the UK does have some *terrible* surgeons (much like any other country I expect), and you'll read a lot of comments from people who have had bad procedures who will then issue a blanket statement that *ALL* surgeons in a given country are bad because of it. Speaking as someone who could have gone to any clinic I wanted, and actually went to Dr. Rogers (twice), I like to think that adds a little more weight to my comments :)


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The fact remains there are probably less than 20 totally reliable hair transplant Drs in the whole world and none of the top 15 of them are in the UK.


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I don't agree with that "fact" at all; it's utter nonsense.


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Last week you were berating Hoppi for advising people to try unproven methods instead of the proven ones, yet you advise people to take a chance with their surgery rather than go to the safest most reliable surgeons? :dunno:

In your case I have to wonder how much of your overal result is down to your medication/treatments which the rest of us dont have the benifit of. In other words are you crediting rogers with regrowth from other treatments.

We have always disagreed on this but when it comes to hair transplant advise I cant advise anyone to go anywhere but the elite clinics.


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Oh please, you can see *years* worth of pictures which I've taken, including both transplant procedures and the areas covered with dozens of before and after pictures.

You state your opinion like it's proven fact, and you keep stating it even though you admit it's based on nothing more than "weasel words".

Unlike you, I'm basing my opinion on first hand experience with the surgeons in question, and with actual proof to back it up.

It sucks that you had a dreadful experience in the UK, but that is simply not the fault of every other surgeon in the UK. Your constant spreading of misinformation has become an obsession for you and even when you know you're wrong, you've simply become too stubborn to change your view.

Surely you can see that constantly adding little bitchy remarks about my positive experience is a bit pathetic? Does it really bother you that one of the worlds best transplant surgeons is in the UK, or do you just have a problem with others having a great procedure?

I don't like being this blunt with you, but I really have to question your agenda.


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My agenda is to give people the best chance available. Because sometimes even the best surgeon can only turn out an average result if the patient has poor characteristics ect. People need to realise that a hair transplant should never be chosen based on location.
I can understand your loyalty to Rogers but TBH you're the only person I've ever come across who's so enthusiastic about recommending him. I agree he's the best in the UK, but he does'nt have much competition in this respect.
If you go the stophairlossnow forum you'll find people who've gone to him and then gone abroad after because they were'nt happy with the result. I only wish there really was a surgeon in the UK who was right up there with the best that the U.S and Canada has to offer.


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Do you mean the story from that Haggis chap about fifteen years ago?, there is quite a lot of doubt that Dr. Rogers was even involved. I've asked him directly about the case, and when discussing it and looking directly into his face, I don't think he was lying to me; also that was mainly about scarring, and while I can't speak about his work 15 years ago, his incisions and sutures now are *easily* at the very top end of what anyone can do period.

In the transgender community we regularly meet with cosmetic surgeons who make hair transplant procedures look like nursery school (look up FFS work), Dr. Rogers leaves scars which are "world class" even at that level.

As an aside, I know I can come over as a bit of a fan-girl with Rogers, but look at what he's done for me. I have a fringe, a real FRINGE; were it possible I would have his babies lol.

I think we're mostly on the same page with what we recommend for people, the UK had many dreadful cosmetic surgeons who I would not trust with a manicure, never mind sticking knives into me; I just think you're being massively unfair to Dr Rogers.


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Ok fair enough. I dont want to get into a feud with you on this one, I'll admit that Rogers is by no means a bad surgeon. But my advice for recommending a hair transplant surgeon is always going to be never compromise with issues like location. And the better the rep the safer the outcome.


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I had a consultation with Dr Rodgers years ago, and he was honest and upfront, but i'm glad I decided to use Feller. Dr Rodgers had no patients I could meet up, and the photos he had were okay, but too dark to tell.

On the forums there are plenty of ex patients with photo blogs from the top clinics, not many for Dr Rodgers.


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I think the problem Dr. Rogers faces is the internet forums on hair loss are full of people stating that all UK surgeons are butchers, based mainly on that fact that people read internet forums. It's become a monkey-see, monkey-do sort of affair where people are just regurgitating the opinions of others.

I don't think he's that bothered mind; we chatted about it during my last procedure. With a little bit of luck, the video which was shot during my last procedure will help dispel some of the myths; I just need to "man up" and finish the editing (I'm really squeamish, and the video is full of shots of the back of my head with the strip being cut away)... :)


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Well "woman up" seemed too wordy; besides, the last thing I want to do is sound like Emily Howard off of Little Britain :)


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there are a number of good surgeons in europe imo ********, Feriduni, devroye, prohair, mwamba and farjo have all shown consistent good results of late on the various forums around, there probably are more that dont have great internet your research and be careful!!