Beginning my journey at 18.


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I'm 18 years old and my hairline is receding and thinning pretty badly IMO. My dad's hairline is halfway on top of his head, and the males on my mom's side of the family are basically the same. I didn't start to notice until about a year ago, but what will happen if I do nothing is just starting to hit me.

As of today I'm applying Minnoxidil 5% twice twice a day to the whole region (Front Hairline) from where I still have fuzzy peach hair, to about an inch back behind my hairline (Its very thin there). I'm also going to be taking this DHT blocker that has some other stuff in it like saw palmetto and zinc or whatever. I'd really like to get my hair back but I'll be happy if it just stops receding. Any advice is nice, I'll also be updating with pics regularly.

Picture from today:

<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt="Image and video hosting by TinyPic"></a>

This was right after I put on the minoxidil, my hair was brushed back (It's medium length, about 5 inches long).
