Been on Rogaine Foam for 4 months need advice w/ pics


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Whats up everyone! Great web site btw.

My hairline has been receding slowly but surely for 5-6 years now, but its getting progressively worse and in March I noticed thinning on the crown area. I'm 31.
I decided to take action and use Rogaine Foam. I've been using the foam now for 4 months straight, 2 applications per day. Once in the morning, and once at night 1 hour before bedtime.

I don't know if these pics tell the whole story but when i started, my hair still felt thick, but like i said hairline receding and crown thinning.

Now, 4 or so months later into my Rogaine Foam treatments, my hair feels extremely thin, i can see my scalp all over the place..Feels weak and thin.

Should i continue the Foam?
Oh and i also use Nizoral twice a week in combination with some expensive italian daily shampoo called Brocato.



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Re: Been on Rogaine Foam for 4 months need advice

I suggest you get on propecia ASAP as DHT topicals will not stop this alone, you need a DHT blocker with it to really help you out.


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Here's another shot



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Re: Been on Rogaine Foam for 4 months need advice

Obsidian said:
I suggest you get on propecia ASAP as DHT topicals will not stop this alone, you need a DHT blocker with it to really help you out.

Man, is it that bad? I figured most people would tell me to stick it out, but maybe u know better than me! Should i discontinue use of the Rogaine then, or add Propecia?


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Well it depends, if you feel your situation does not look as bad then just continue the rogaine foam but what I can tell you are thinning out on top and the only way to maintain that hair is to jump on finasteride. By all means though if you do start the meds, continue the foam as the combination will do some help.

EDIT: I did not see your post about the foam and weak hair. Perhaps you are a negative responder to minoxidil?


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Hey, I'm 35 and am in a similar situation except I have only started 1 month ago on Nizoral and Rogaine Foam. I'm a bit apprehensive about going on finasteride, but apparently it completes the total package. If you're cool with taking the drug, go ahead and do it all. I'm thinking it may take longer for you and I to respond or get good results altogether because of our age and the time elapsed for letting hair follicles die out. My personal mantra is patience and perseverance.

The example I use for myself is when I was younger I had cystic acne and went on Retin-A. I always complained about it because some of the side effects it had on my complexion when starting and during treatment. Several years went by and the phase of cystic acne passed so I stopped using it. As soon as I did, all these pustules returned to my face and are there to this day because I have oily skin. It was then that I realized how effective the product was. Did I achieve peaches n' cream skin on it - no. But it definitely added a tremendous value to the quality of my complexion all things considered. I liken that to my journey for a head of hair like an 80's metal band member. It may never be perfect, but I really think over the course of a long, consistent approach I will see benefits. I hope you do the same, that way we can start a hair band some day!! J/K.


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Obsidian said:
Well it depends, if you feel your situation does not look as bad then just continue the rogaine foam but what I can tell you are thinning out on top and the only way to maintain that hair is to jump on finasteride. By all means though if you do start the meds, continue the foam as the combination will do some help.

EDIT: I did not see your post about the foam and weak hair. Perhaps you are a negative responder to minoxidil?

when i started rogaine, i had some side effects but ignored them. now those sides are gone, but maybe i shouldn't have ignored them? i wonder if i stop using it, will my hair go back to being thick and strong again?


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tgates209 said:
Hey, I'm 35 and am in a similar situation except I have only started 1 month ago on Nizoral and Rogaine Foam. I'm a bit apprehensive about going on finasteride, but apparently it completes the total package. If you're cool with taking the drug, go ahead and do it all. I'm thinking it may take longer for you and I to respond or get good results altogether because of our age and the time elapsed for letting hair follicles die out. My personal mantra is patience and perseverance.

The example I use for myself is when I was younger I had cystic acne and went on Retin-A. I always complained about it because some of the side effects it had on my complexion when starting and during treatment. Several years went by and the phase of cystic acne passed so I stopped using it. As soon as I did, all these pustules returned to my face and are there to this day because I have oily skin. It was then that I realized how effective the product was. Did I achieve peaches n' cream skin on it - no. But it definitely added a tremendous value to the quality of my complexion all things considered. I liken that to my journey for a head of hair like an 80's metal band member. It may never be perfect, but I really think over the course of a long, consistent approach I will see benefits. I hope you do the same, that way we can start a hair band some day!! J/K.

Nice!! I do play guitar so maybe i'll take you up on that offer someday! lol... i've decided to go see a dermatologist, not sure if it'll help but who knows!


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I suggest propecia, im 19 and ive been on it for 3 weeks no sides for me! its all in your head!

go for it!