been on proscar a week and a half -- need some ?'s answered


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I need some advice from someone that has been on propecia/proscar a lot longer, in regards to sexual side effects.

There were no real sides the first week. The last few days, when it comes to erections and orgasms, there has been a definite decrease in hardness, erection length and amount of ejaculate, as well as the ejaculate that is produced being watery. Recovery time before I can get an erection and orgasm again is a lot longer. Sometimes, but not always, there seems to be a little bit loss of sensation, as if there are less nerve endings.

I'm not going to be hysterical like a lot of newbie posters experiencing sides. I obviously don't want to go bald, but at the same time, if I suffer intolerable side effects, I will quit the medication and learn to deal with and accept balding. Having researched finasteride before I went and got a prescription, I know others have reported the same sort of symptoms. I guess what I want to know is if these side effects are temporary and the body adjusting to the medication, or if they last and/or get worse as long as I continue to take proscar. My doctor assured me that any erectile dysfunction or other sexual sides cease when you stop taking the medicine, although it might take several weeks for functions to return to completely normal.

Back In Time

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I'm going to be honest here:

I haven't had any sides.

Now, saying that, from what I have heard from most of the reasonable posters here, in most cases it is your body adjusting to the drug, and the sides will pass.

I know a ton of people might jump on me and tell you to get off the drug, but you have to understand that (in my opinion) most of the people that will post here are amonst the smaller percentage that have had worse sides. (Most people that the drug works for and don't have sides have no reason to post).

Long story shot: Wait it out, I bet you balance out from your current sides. If not, quit and you'll be fine.


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Had similar things here, give it some time.

A couple of months and hopefully all will be good.