Been on finasteride for 9 months and hair is insanely worse!


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So started taking finasteride 1 mg in February. Been taking it until about 2/3 months ago a switched to .5 mgs a day in order to help boost libido which it did. Now I use minoxidil and micro needle as well. Only other change that happened besides starting the finasteride is my Dr took me off my levothyroxine for thyroid. I was on 25 mcg which is a tiny dose. I got bloods done and my level is 2.08 which is right in the middle of the range without it and my Dr won't put me back on even though I said it could be the reason for hair loss but she doesn't think so.

Now not sure what to do. Should I increase my finasteride dose back to 1 mgs or come off completely. It's just crazy how bad my hair looks now. It's so thin and brittle and just breaks off. So much hair in the shower which I never had before finasteride. Any advice would be much appreciated.


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Very strange... Does anyone has any input on it? I would also like to try something new for myself like the stuff from for example, but I am a bit worried about such issues like in this thread... Can you please recommend something to me too?
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Well dutasteride accelerated my thinning. Even got thicker after I quit it. So anything is possible. Its due to high T or hormonal imbalance.


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Well dutasteride accelerated my thinning. Even got thicker after I quit it. So anything is possible. Its due to high T or hormonal imbalance.
Yea I'm on trt. Had my levels checked before hand and the normal range for dht was 12-65 and mine was at 118 so nearly double. Looking back I did notice something. For the first 4 months I believe it was going good. Then I did a cycle of primo which is known to cause hairloss and finasteride doesn't work against that so that could of been the issue. Then after that I lowered the dose in half. So maybe I should try 1 mg consistently for a bit. Or do you recommend do the topical.


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Yea I'm on trt. Had my levels checked before hand and the normal range for dht was 12-65 and mine was at 118 so nearly double. Looking back I did notice something. For the first 4 months I believe it was going good. Then I did a cycle of primo which is known to cause hairloss and finasteride doesn't work against that so that could of been the issue. Then after that I lowered the dose in half. So maybe I should try 1 mg consistently for a bit. Or do you recommend do the topical.
I would do topical tbh. For many reasons. im on topical finasteride/min myself low dose atm. Just trialing. Also use oral min.


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Thanks man. For what reasons?
Well I get sides from oral so im hoping I can lessen the sides a little by using low dose topically so less goes systemic. Also it dont go through the liver which is a positive thing. Many have high liver enzymes with oral. Also by applying it directly on the scalp could block more scalp dht. Rather than the pill Going everywhere in the body and binds to places u dont even want it to bind to.


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Well I get sides from oral so im hoping I can lessen the sides a little by using low dose topically so less goes systemic. Also it dont go through the liver which is a positive thing. Many have high liver enzymes with oral. Also by applying it directly on the scalp could block more scalp dht. Rather than the pill Going everywhere in the body and binds to places u dont even want it to bind to.
Thanks yea I still have hair on my head so when I apply minoxidil I feel like it all gets stuck in my hair so not sure if the finasteride would be the same


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Thanks yea I still have hair on my head so when I apply minoxidil I feel like it all gets stuck in my hair so not sure if the finasteride would be the same
Well as long as u dont rubb it in too much maybe a little with the pipete only. I wet my hair abit and comb it back with a wide tooth comb and apply. I feel that it gets on my scalp, but ofc some will end up on the hair that happens for everyone that use topical finasteride.