Balding and the subconscious


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Do you guys ever find yourselves dreaming about hair loss?

I do all the time. Sometimes I dream that my hair is back to a NW1, and sometimes I dream its a NW7. Scary, scary stuff.

I'm also terrified that when drunk, I'll blurt something out about it. I have a tendency to bring up deeply repressed stuff when I get hammered and its led to numerous embarrasing but hilarious scenarios. My biggest fear though is that I'll start whining about going bald and showing off my hairline to people or something and then not remember it the next day. Or tell someone else that they're going bald (since I'm a Norwood spotter).

Bah. I wish I could stop thinking about it.


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Man you must get pretty smashed I've never lost control of my senses to that extent I'm always aware of what's going on in a kind of 3rd persion POV.
Thickandthin said:
I'm also terrified that when drunk, I'll blurt something out about it. I have a tendency to bring up deeply repressed stuff when I get hammered and its led to numerous embarrasing but hilarious scenarios.

Do tell us more .... :mrgreen:


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s.a.f said:
Man you must get pretty smashed I've never lost control of my senses to that extent I'm always aware of what's going on in a kind of 3rd persion POV.
Thickandthin said:
I'm also terrified that when drunk, I'll blurt something out about it. I have a tendency to bring up deeply repressed stuff when I get hammered and its led to numerous embarrasing but hilarious scenarios.

Do tell us more .... :mrgreen:

lol yeah....I used to be a sporadic drinker but when I did drink, I would always get absolutely hammered.

a few choice memories include drinking tequila with two buddies at my apartment, then getting so drunk that i took off all my clothes and started throwing beer bottles off my balcony into the parking lot. woke up in my bed at 5 am wearing clothes i hadn't worn or even seen in years. also there was a random wet towel on the floor indicating that i took a shower (!) in my drunken memory of that either.

another time loudly told my girlfriend she had a nice you know what in front of several of her friends at a bar. thankfully they were all hammered too and it was loud so they didn't hear or care, but still. no memory of that one either.

as for the balding, i went out drinking with a few people one time and noticed one of the dudes i was with had similar hair to me and i kept sneaking peeks at it all night to see how much he was receded and what not. ended up getting sh*t hammered of course and woke up the next day freaking out because i was afraid i had brought up hair loss or something to him/told him he was going bald. still have no confirmation/denial of that so its a distinct possibility.

needless to say, i don't get that drunk anymore....

uncomfortable man

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Dreamed I had hair again, again is my old thread in the impact history. Sorry I don't know how to link. Interesting read if you can find it.


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I've been having dreams involving baldness for the past couple of weeks now that my hairloss has gotten even more aggressive. In one of my most recent dreams I was back in high school and we were riding on a school bus going on a field trip somewhere. I had obvious hairloss, about an nw4, but for some reason the other students didn't notice. I remember just staring forward for most of the ride and being anxious that someone would notice my hairloss. After a few moments my friend that was sitting beside me blurted out "Cancer!", followed up by "Cueball!". I thought he was making fun of me until I looked at him and he was partially turned to the back of the bus. I looked towards the back and I saw 5-6 guys, all with shaved nw7's sitting in the back row, nervously looking around and fidgeting with themselves. After that point I woke up. It was one of the most bizarre dreams I have ever had.