Balding and a girlfriend

Kraaihald 1

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Hi everybody,

I have a question,

Is it difficult or just easy to have and get a nice girlfriend like in the picture below?

Does ladies like bald men or not?[attachment=0:eslphgw5]vlcsnap-91541.png[/attachment:eslphgw5]


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It depends on a number of factors. Are you a good looking guy despite your baldness? Do you carry yourself well? Have you got a good job?

I've had a grade 1 buzzcut for a year and a half now (I'm norwood 3) and I can still attract nice girls. The only difference is that when I had hair they threw themselves at me. Now I've got the buzzcut it is a bit more hard work. When I actually get a decent job (I've recently finished university) I think my prospects will be even better.


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getting women is about confidence first, everything else is secondary.

it just so happens that most rich handsome men have confidence. you see bald dudes that have confidence with equally hot looking women


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blink said:
getting women is about confidence first, everything else is secondary.
i disagree, imo looks,money,power and fame come first, confidence only good for "sealing the deal".


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i'd say that its the opposite. Girls are attracted to confidence first and then the other aspects.
Your not going to walk up to a girl and be like have you seen that Merc at the front....well thats mine baby

uncomfortable man

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Probably not. Baldness is considered a physical flaw by most women like that. Not that women can't excuse certain flaws like a little love handles or something that the women know the men CAN CHANGE...which makes baldness a particular big red flag in many women's minds. I'd go as far as say that most women despise baldness and avoid it like the plague.


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uncomfortable man said:
Probably not. Baldness is considered a physical flaw by most women like that. Not that women can't excuse certain flaws like a little love handles or something that the women know the men CAN CHANGE...which makes baldness a particular big red flag in many women's minds. I'd go as far as say that most women despise baldness and avoid it like the plague.

if women really did avoid it like the plague, it would be passed down through genes less and less....its not like men go bald only after they're married in all instances...many balding and bald men are still forced to find mates and if ALL women really did avoid it like the plague it would become less prevalent....stop making these stupid, gross generalizations....

you know who most women do avoid like the plague?...unemployed men in their thirties who spend their time complaining about how they are inferior because of a genetic trait and that nobody could love them....seriously...get a god damn job before you blame HAIR LOSS on the reason women don't find you appealing.


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qball01 said:
uncomfortable man said:
Probably not. Baldness is considered a physical flaw by most women like that. Not that women can't excuse certain flaws like a little love handles or something that the women know the men CAN CHANGE...which makes baldness a particular big red flag in many women's minds. I'd go as far as say that most women despise baldness and avoid it like the plague.

if women really did avoid it like the plague, it would be passed down through genes less and less....its not like men go bald only after they're married in all instances...many balding and bald men are still forced to find mates and if ALL women really did avoid it like the plague it would become less prevalent....stop making these stupid, gross generalizations....

The bald gene comes from the mother's side........ :whistle:


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Smooth said:
qball01 said:
if women really did avoid it like the plague, it would be passed down through genes less and less....its not like men go bald only after they're married in all instances...many balding and bald men are still forced to find mates and if ALL women really did avoid it like the plague it would become less prevalent....stop making these stupid, gross generalizations....

The bald gene comes from the mother's side........ :whistle:

Got any scientific proof to back that one up? :whistle:


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s.a.f said:
Got any scientific proof to back that one up? :whistle:

Yes, i conducted a research in my basement secret laboratory ...( :jackit: )

Anyways, from wiki :
"Research suggests that the gene for the androgen receptor, which is significant in determining probability for hair loss, is located on the X chromosome and so is always inherited from the mother's side.[22] There is a 50% chance that a person shares the same X chromosome as their maternal grandfather. Because women have two X chromosomes, they will have two copies of the androgen receptor gene while men only have one. However, research has also shown that a person with a balding father also has a significantly greater chance of experiencing hair loss"

referring to the next research ... 55fbd9cb58
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I used to think that but have been corrected that it is indeed a fallacy. It can come from both sides. I can not back that up with evidence but i am packing 10 inches, how about that?


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qball01 said:
if women really did avoid it like the plague, it would be passed down through genes less and less....its not like men go bald only after they're married in all instances...many balding and bald men are still forced to find mates and if ALL women really did avoid it like the plague it would become less prevalent....stop making these stupid, gross generalizations....

you know who most women do avoid like the plague?...unemployed men in their thirties who spend their time complaining about how they are inferior because of a genetic trait and that nobody could love them....seriously...get a god damn job before you blame HAIR LOSS on the reason women don't find you appealing.

This has come up again and again, and is not true.

For the largest part of human evolution, breeding would happen before baldness ever set it. Meaning it has never ever had a chance to be bred out. I make no comment about how women feel about baldness, just that it has never had a chance to be bred out.

You are right about the job thing though, and people using hairloss as an excuse.

Mens Rea

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uncomfortable man said:
Probably not. Baldness is considered a physical flaw by most women like that. Not that women can't excuse certain flaws like a little love handles or something that the women know the men CAN CHANGE...which makes baldness a particular big red flag in many women's minds. I'd go as far as say that most women despise baldness and avoid it like the plague.

UM you have such a skewed perspective on what other people think and it defines you.

Women judge people on their overall appearance. If that baldness signifcantly detracts from their looks then yes they will judge them as less attractive. For the most part its a case by case basis, and i know for a fact many girls love guys with shaved heads.

Its not discrimination against baldness per se, its the overall appearance it brings to the personl. In reality losing hair will take a person's attractiveness level down a notch, maybe two. Thats the problem we generally face and we have to try mitigate this with taking care of the hair you have and looking great in other areas. It is what it is, but there is definately no explicit discrimination against bald people

Mens Rea

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Kraaihald 1 said:
Does ladies like bald men or not

Do girls like guys with hair or not?
Do girls like guys with black hair or not?
Do girls like guys who are well-built or skinny?

Stupid questions.

Answer is, theres more to anyone than being a "bald" guy or being a guy with black hair. So to make a simplistic generalisation is fuckin stupid.

It depends on the girl and it depends on the guy. Many many variables.


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Well it is possible to get a good looking girl like that. Think of billy zane and kelly brook. She's was not with him for money or fame because they were both rich and famous. But its each to there own. How do you look bald, because not everyone looks bad bald. Furthermore a good sense of humour goes along way. Someone once told me you can laugh a girl into bed and its true. I know a lot of ugly blokes who get good looking girls all the time simply because they make them laugh a lot and make them feel good about themselves. Looks is only one factor in the attraction. Sure being bald and unattractive is a disadvantage but its only one flaw. Only the truly shallow or young will turn you away based on being bald alone.