Bald Woman Rejects Guy Because His Hairline Is Receeding

Balding Boulder

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his hair not even that bad.
but this looks normal to me, because she is bald she's extremely obsessed with hair, and it's natural to look for a partner that don't have your defects that you hate about yourself.

I can personally say this about myself, someone with hairloss, I wouldn't be with a girl that has thin hair or some form of hair loss.
her baldness made her super conscious about hair.
This is very true. Even before my hair loss, I've always had a big forehead — and was often referred to at school as 'alien head' and 'egg head'. Even on the opposite sex, I've always looked at a girl's hairline — it's not that it needs to be super low or anything, but I would certainly rule out a girl with an Emma Bunton-esque forehead. On the other hand, I would happily consider a woman with a hairline like Theresa Guidice or Fergie, even though to most men their hairlines are unacceptably low.

It's similar with weight as well. As a fairly skinny bloke, I find myself more attracted to the Ashley Grahams of this world than any stick thin model.

I guess this is why people with the opposite insecurities are attracted to each other.