Bald Guy, Wife Beater, Trying to impress a young chick


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You must go to the Regrow now website and read the blog this week as he went to his gym and he talks about some guy who was there showing off to this girl and the guy was wearing a wife-beater and he's like a Norwood 5. Funny stuff!

"my gym and he's probably on 28 years old and I kind of do feel sorry for him because I can see just by observing him how hair loss has affected his life. He seems like the kind of guy who probably doesn't have a lot going for him and the hair loss at such an early age probably has his mental state of mind in a frenzy. Wll, he's one of these guys that is always at the gym and remember that I've stated on prior posts at my web site that I don't go to a "normal" gym right now. I go to a gym that seems to attract many young guys with androgenetic alopecia. More on that on a later post. This guy is doing a chest workout and he comes in wearing a body builder type of half cut shirt with some other kind of shirt underneath it and wearing blue jeans. That's right I said blue jeans and working out in a gym. He's a short guy who may look big from a distance but I don't stare at people and make it obvious that I'm noticing them but the more that I glanced over at this guy I could see that he really wasn't muscular at all. He had an ok chest but no defination at all in his legs, his shoulders were ok and he had big legs but only becaus he's so short that it is easier for him to appear stocky. Obviously, he knows that when you wear jeans and you do work out that the jeans will make your whole body look bigger. But come on, you work out in the gym hard so you can reward yourself later by wearing jeans and a nice fitted shirt for when you go out somewhere. That's when you hear the compliments. This guy decided that he would wear jeans to the gym and probably when he goes out? ( if he goes out ) I just thought that he looked ridiculous as wearing long sweat pants or workout pants would have made him look much more real and normal and still a guy that works out regularly. The jeans was his way of saying to himself, "look at me, I'm huge!" But that's not even w"


That guy is not smart. What is thhis crap about how a cap will cause bacteria to build up in the hair and make male pattern baldness worse? I hope no one reads that site because that guy doesn't even know as much about male pattern baldness as the newbies on here do .

Excerpt from his blog:

" Mark Brassia: I would take her advice. She sounds like she has been around for awhile so I'm sure that she's not stupid. She wasn't directly telling him that the cap is going to cause hair loss but she probably was smart enough to notice that he had androgenetic alopecia and she probably knows that baseball caps aren't for people with androgenetic alopecia as our hair is weak and weak hairs are more susceptible to falling out more often then people with strong hair and someone that doesn't have androgenetic alopecia. And she's absolutely right when she told him that "your scalp needs to breath" The top of your head exhurts body heat. Haven't you ever been told to wear a hat when it's freezing cold out? That's because the hat will help keep body heat from exiting thru the top of your head and will keep you warm. Even when it's not cold out if you're working up a sweat and your body heat is high and you are wearing a cap you will start to develop bacteria which is where that itching comes from. Believe me, I know from experience and I can guarantee you that if I had been wearing a hat regulary over the past 10 years that I would be a Norwood 4-5 instead of a norwood 1.5. Wearing that hat and dealing with bacteria build up and the itching just makes the fight against DHT much harder. It's my opinion that wearing a hat once or twice a week is fine. But if you are a hair loss sufferer, we need all of the help that we can get and by wearing a hat regularly will definitley effect your hair loss pattern over the long term. "


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What are you even talking about? I was reading the part where the guy at the gym is wearing a white tank top and was trying to impress the chick. I see that kind of s**t happening all of the time. If your bald you shouldn't wear a tank top unless you look like Stone Cold or somebody.

By the way, I don't wear caps either because it makes my head itchy? I think that's what he's referring to? Your head does need air and when I wear a baseball cap is does kind of feel like DHT is exacerbating. That's how I read that. Now if you don't suffer from androgentic alopecia, then that's a different story.


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brevardo said:
What are you even talking about? I was reading the part where the guy at the gym is wearing a white tank top and was trying to impress the chick. I see that kind of s**t happening all of the time. If your bald you shouldn't wear a tank top unless you look like Stone Cold or somebody.

When I wear my black tank top, women walk up to me to talk to me, and my frontal hair is shot. And I have a below average build, but I'm trim and have good shoulders and chest.


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I agree with you College Chemistry as I'm the same way. I work out religiously and will wear a blue or black tank top ( usually a Nike ) or a nice one then you would buy at a sporting goods store and if you have a brickhouse build it will make you look good. It's like nice packaging as someone once told me. It's those white tank tops that you buy in the underwear section of Target that you want to avoid as it will make you look either 18 years old or like you live in the trailer park. The problem is that kind of tank top will make a little guy look big ( becasue there so tight ) and as a result these younger dudes wear them because they think that it looks cool.

The Gardener

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brevardo said:
I go to a gym that seems to attract many young guys with androgenetic alopecia. More on that on a later post. This guy is doing a chest workout and he comes in wearing a body builder type of half cut shirt with some other kind of shirt underneath it and wearing blue jeans. That's right I said blue jeans and working out in a gym. He's a short guy who may look big from a distance but I don't stare at people and make it obvious that I'm noticing them but the more that I glanced over at this guy I could see that he really wasn't muscular at all. He had an ok chest but no defination at all in his legs, his shoulders were ok and he had big legs but only becaus he's so short that it is easier for him to appear stocky. Obviously, he knows that when you wear jeans and you do work out that the jeans will make your whole body look bigger. But come on, you work out in the gym hard so you can reward yourself later by wearing jeans and a nice fitted shirt for when you go out somewhere. That's when you hear the compliments. This guy decided that he would wear jeans to the gym and probably when he goes out? ( if he goes out ) I just thought that he looked ridiculous as wearing long sweat pants or workout pants would have made him look much more real and normal and still a guy that works out regularly. The jeans was his way of saying to himself, "look at me, I'm huge!" But that's not even w"


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Man you guys got your stuff mixed up man... bald ppl look just as good with tanktops dude, I have a shaved head and a nice build, no problem with tank tops for me.


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LMAO gardener........

I have no idea why it was so sooo funny, just the fact the statement was written with such care....

and then u said "gay" to it.

lmao its not even funny to joe-regular, but I have some giggles hahahahh

hahah proper shits and giggles!