back to avodart?


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i used avodart for a couple of months and it actually got my hairloss worst... now i've been back on finasteride for about 6 months it did slowed down but JUST A LITTLE BIT... should i try avodart again??


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you have to stay on avodart for at least 12 months before calling it quits

many people, including myself, have experienced some horror sheds in the inital months of avodart use but it usually dissapates


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yesh usually the first 3 months you get a bad shed then it bounces back.

Most people see the shed then quit it then cry it ruined their hair without continuing through that shed.


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If finasteride is working then stay on it..changing from dutasteride to finasteride or vica versa can induce sheds and dutasteride is not better than finasteride for everyone..we all react differently. finasteride didn't work for me so I changed to dutasteride to hope that works. Whatever you do stay on the same med for min 6 months to see benefit.

All you saw was a dutasteride shed and did not give it time to recover. Hair cycles are many months to shed and regrow. It could take up to 2 yrs and a few sheds before a miniturised hair comes back to terminal to most you can hope for in a few months is a slowdown of loss.


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It doesn't make any logical sense. DHT has been identified as the primary agent in male pattern baldness. Dutasteride 0.5mg/day decreases serum DHT 91% and scalp DHT 54%. Finasteride 5mg/day decreases serum DHT 71% and scalp DHT 38%. Based on these results, dutasteride should be more effective in the treatment of male pattern baldness than finasteride, whoever takes it.