azmd's story - (age 27, 1rst post w/pics)


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Hi everyone. This is my first post and like all of you came here for some advice. I am 27 and have been losing for maybe a 1 to 1 1/2 years. Its now to the point where I need to do something. I have been reading this forum for a few months so I have an idea of what I should be doing but still have some questions....

I bought nizoral 2% and have been using that but I know I am going to need more. I know about the 'big 3' and after researching them, I think I only want to use Rogaine because of the sides finasteride can produce and im not that crazy about messing with my body's hormone levels.

My intentions are to just grow some more on top. I would love it if my hairline came back, at least a little, but i'm not expecting it. So here are some questions and please help if you can.

1. I really only want to use nizoral and rogaine foam (my hair is buzzed). I have read of people getting good results from just these 2, but what are my odds? I know everyones different but I think I fall into the "average guy" catagory the drug companies test on.

2. As you can see from the pics, I already have it buzzed but how bad is the shed? Will I go completely bald where I put it during this stage?

3. How many people using rogaine experience the side effects of dizziness and rapid heart beats?

4. If I start rogaine and 3 days later get dizzy and a major rapid heart beat and want to stop, will it mess up the hair I have?

5. How does it effect fitness and athletic performance? I am still an athlete and if it changes DHT levels, could my performance decline?

6. If someone has a horror story with rogaine, please let me know. I have read some success stories but i want to know what I am up against.

This forum has been a wealth of info so thanks in advance...


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Re: Hey everyone....1rst post w/pics

You've got a 3 out of 5 chance of Rogaine working for you. Ive seen some peoples results with just rogaine alone and they are amazing, they are usually diffuse thinners though, i dont think rogaine does a great job on receding sides. Although dont be put off trying because it can happen.
Rogaine will not lower your DHT levels no,well from what we know lol... they dont really know what it does :p but if it does lower DHT levels, its a topical solution and would only lower the DHT in the scalp and not in the whole body so dont worry about it.
If you started using it and got sides within a few days, just stop using it and nothing will happen. It takes more than a few days to start effecting the hair and even then, only the hair that was regrow by rogaine would fall out, not what you had already.

But yeh, give just rogaine a try if you want, give about 8 months or something, (take pictures for reference) and if nothing has happened in that time then it most likely wont happen... although, just because it hasnt regrow doesnt mean its not stopping further hair loss, so you will have to monitor for that.

Your best bet would be to try finasteride and rogaine as you probably already know... so maybe if rogaine aint working for you after that time you could at least try finasteride. Tbh i think the sides are over exaggerated. I cant say since ive only been on finasteride for 4 days lol..... but so far nothing has changed at all. i think you athletic types tend to have higher sex drives from all the training anyway, correct me if im wrong lol.... but even if finasteride did mess with ur libido, it would prob just give you a normal mans libido lol

Good luck with whatever you decide.


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Re: Hey everyone....1rst post w/pics

Concerning the fitness performance...I take 2.5mg of finasteride. everyday and I didn't noticed any sides.
Good luck!


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Re: Hey everyone....1rst post w/pics

Looks to me like your headed for further hairloss. I'd say finasteride is the only thing thats going to help you keep what you've still got in the long run.


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Re: Hey everyone....1rst post w/pics

you might be happy with only rogaine as you've got buzzed hair and its easy to apply all over. however as other posters have said the only real long term fix is finasteride - i've seen dramatic results with it and have only been using it 4 months - no sides whatsoever - i am 26.


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Re: Hey everyone....1rst post w/pics

Thanks to all who have responded. So is finasteride my only hope? I'm still unsure of what the shed looks like does someone have any pics? Will I go completely bald when I shed?


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Re: Hey everyone....1rst post w/pics

your hair actually looks like mine does. Im on the finasteride, its my last hope :crazy: lol


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Re: Hey everyone....1rst post w/pics

It looks like your whole NW7 area is thinning but that could just be the lighting. I think your hair is alright. Just jump on finasteride, forget Rogaine for now, what else can one do? :dunno:


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Re: Hey everyone....1rst post w/pics

metalheaddude said:
It looks like your whole NW7 area is thinning but that could just be the lighting. I think your hair is alright. Just jump on finasteride, forget Rogaine for now, what else can one do? :dunno:

Um...not forget Rogaine?...


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Re: Hey everyone....1rst post w/pics

Rogaine does not work on diffuse thinners. His thinning area is far to extensive. What is he ment to do spray a whole bottle on his NW7 area? This would cause him to not only faint or possibly die but go through at least 1 bottle a week. Which is VERY expensive. Tells ya how much you know. :nono:

Rogaine is best used for isolated thinning spots or bald patches such as the crown. He just needs propecia for now as he has no definative bald or thinning spots. Its very evenly distrubuted.

Got it now? :shakehead:


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Re: Hey everyone....1rst post w/pics

This forum. Bugbrain.


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Re: Hey everyone....1rst post w/pics

metalheaddude said:
Rogaine does not work on diffuse thinners. His thinning area is far to extensive. What is he ment to do spray a whole bottle on his NW7 area? This would cause him to not only faint or possibly die but go through at least 1 bottle a week. Which is VERY expensive. Tells ya how much you know. :nono:

Rogaine is best used for isolated thinning spots or bald patches such as the crown. He just needs propecia for now as he has no definative bald or thinning spots. Its very evenly distrubuted.

Got it now? :shakehead:

You are a f***'n idiot..TC do not listen to metalhead,he likes to think he knows a lot but really he is just a troll,spaming all this bullshit to make himself sound smart and giving people poor advice while he's at it,rogaine can work for diffuse thinners,go and have a look at some of the success stories to see for yourself


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Re: Hey everyone....1rst post w/pics

Remember, metalhead said that male pattern baldness was a "mark" placed on man by God because of the sin of Adam and Eve. NO, I am not making this up!


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Re: Hey everyone....1rst post w/pics

bubka said:
Remember, metalhead said that male pattern baldness was a "mark" placed on man by God because of the sin of Adam and Eve. NO, I am not making this up!

Well sh*t,I best throw away all these scientifically proven treatments and start going to church,repent for my sins so i may wake up in the glorious light of a norwood 1 hairline


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Re: Hey everyone....1rst post w/pics

Sorry for the short hijacking of you're thread and turning it into a metalhead bash azmd,but when he says dumb crap like that it needs to be addressed..anyway..rogaine and finasteride are you're best bet IMHO,if you can't afford both treatments at the same time which is understandable,then get on finasteride first as it should be the concrete foundation of you're hairloss treatment.


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Re: Hey everyone....1rst post w/pics

Definatly finasteride and minoxidil. I reckon if you respond to minoxidil, it would make a big difference as it dosnt seem that your hair is too thin.


Re: Hey everyone....1rst post w/pics

metalheaddude said:
Rogaine does not work on diffuse thinners. His thinning area is far to extensive. What is he ment to do spray a whole bottle on his NW7 area? This would cause him to not only faint or possibly die but go through at least 1 bottle a week. Which is VERY expensive. Tells ya how much you know. :nono:

Rogaine is best used for isolated thinning spots or bald patches such as the crown. He just needs propecia for now as he has no definative bald or thinning spots. Its very evenly distrubuted.

Got it now? :shakehead:

wow, i havent been on this board for very long, but thats gotta be the dumbest thing i've ever heard someone say. you need to think before you speak. you obviously dont know jack so you need to shut your fuckin mouth and stop giving out bad advice.


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Re: Hey everyone....1rst post w/pics

Rogaine does not work on diffuse thinners. His thinning area is far to extensive. What is he ment to do spray a whole bottle on his NW7 area? This would cause him to not only faint or possibly die but go through at least 1 bottle a week.

Everything about that is wrong.

It works better for diffuse thinners than anyone else. It's not going to cause you to faint.


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Re: Hey everyone....1rst post w/pics

metalheaddude said:
Rogaine does not work on diffuse thinners. His thinning area is far to extensive. What is he ment to do spray a whole bottle on his NW7 area? This would cause him to not only faint or possibly die but go through at least 1 bottle a week. Which is VERY expensive. Tells ya how much you know. :nono:

You are such a tool it isn't even moron,he wouldn't be spraying a whole bottle on his head,rogaine's directions say apply 1ML onto the hairloss area,so if his hairloss area is as you say "his NW7" area,then he would just have to apply 1ml to it and rub it in all over...ffs...