avodart is poor


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Well 7 weeks into the program now and my hair has lost 30% density all over ,not noticed any brutal sheds even,but the guys who calculate exactly how many hairs they lose how do they do this?

Anyway will give it 1 year and if i am not at baseline will either go for a transplant or just shave it,i know things could turn round but i really can't see it at the moment


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Dont expect miracles from the meds finasteride and dutasteride should only be used to keep what you still have any regrowth is a bonus but it wont be a significant amount.

Thin Jim

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I have just gone past the 3 month mark on 0.5 dutas a day along with 1/3 of proscar after switching from fincar daily. I also use 15% xandrox on the frontal third of my scalp only. The first three months were absolutely fantastic, I could not believe how much hair was coming in, it was like I had had a transplant and could see my old hairline resurrecting from the dead.

However for the last two weeks I have been shedding like crazy, probably the worse shed I have ever been through. Im probably below baseline again now in terms of density but the overall shape of my hairline is still better. I can tell its a shed though as my hair at the sides in the safe zone is going too and looks real thin. Im hanging in there as a lot of guys report a bad 3 month shed on dutasteride. Im hoping it will stabilize again in the next week or two and I will have a thicker head of hair by the summer. I have no other choice and this is pretty much the last throw of the dice before wigsville.


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my first 2 months were brutal on dutasteride. If you look at my january pictures that was after a month and some change in... my head thinned all over.... once i hit month 2-3 everything sprung back with force.


my hair has shed on dutasteride a couple times and it's grown back along with more hair. no pain no gain.

Follically Challenged

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I recommend using ketoconazole shampoo with any 5ar inhibitor, I think this hair loss game is not just about DHT, it's about other androgens as well.

A copper peptide spray would be beneficial too.


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As far as I can see, the problem with oral dutasteride is that it will never completely annihilate DHT in the follicles, and you won't even get into the 90% reduction range unless you're taking ridiculous doses like 5mg/day. So if you are unlucky enough to have sensitive follicles, you could still get male pattern baldness. I remain 100% convinced that dutasteride is beneficial however.




and dutasteride Topic?

I take Daily 1,25mg Proscar and all 3days 0,25mg dutasteride
an Daily dutasteride Topic
more dutasteride ist to heavy for me Sexdrive ist dead!

What you Mean to my Regimen??

minoxidil stoped 7Month and No Results thin bad Hairs



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Re: dutasteride

Timi said:

and dutasteride Topic?

I take Daily 1,25mg Proscar and all 3days 0,25mg dutasteride
an Daily dutasteride Topic
more dutasteride ist to heavy for me Sexdrive ist dead!

What you Mean to my Regimen??

minoxidil stoped 7Month and No Results thin bad Hairs


To each their own. I would recommend ditching the proscar (it adds no benefits to the dutasteride regime). I like minoxidil and still use it.

dutasteride topical is an interesting idea, but one which I can't really afford. I'm also not convinced that the dutasteride can reach the follicles from topical application.

hair today gone tomorrow

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iamnaked said:
As far as I can see, the problem with oral dutasteride is that it will never completely annihilate DHT in the follicles, and you won't even get into the 90% reduction range unless you're taking ridiculous doses like 5mg/day. So if you are unlucky enough to have sensitive follicles, you could still get male pattern baldness. I remain 100% convinced that dutasteride is beneficial however.

Thanks for the misinformation buddy. The dht inhbition rates in the hair follicle are as follows:

1mg finasteride = 85 percent
5mg finasteride = 90 percent
.5mg dutasteride = 98.5 percent


yeah really. it's sad that the guy on finasteride has to correct the guy on dutasteride about the correct 5ar inhibition percentages.

and how is that a problem with oral dutasteride that doesn't exist with finasteride? cutting 98.5% out only leaves 1.5% remaining, not even close to enough to do a lot of damage.

hair today gone tomorrow

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JayMan said:
yeah really. it's sad that the guy on finasteride has to correct the guy on dutasteride about the correct 5ar inhibition percentages.

and how is that a problem with oral dutasteride that doesn't exist with finasteride? cutting 98.5% out only leaves 1.5% remaining, not even close to enough to do a lot of damage.

Dont worry jayman...I did my research on dutasteride...I may jump ship soon :ninja:

hair today gone tomorrow

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if it werent for the 5ar-1 inhibition Id prob be on it....that and the fact that no Doctor would prescribe it and Im not to keen on ordering drugs from overseas despite their track records.


hair today gone tomorrow said:
if it werent for the 5ar-1 inhibition Id prob be on it....that and the fact that no Doctor would prescribe it and Im not to keen on ordering drugs from overseas despite their track records.

the 5ar-1 inhibition may help a bit.

hair today gone tomorrow

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ehh. it may a very little...Im just scared of its presence in other parts of the human body and the fact that there is no biological model of anyone with decreased levels of 5ar-1...Im gonna hold off as long as i can before i jump on it.


hair today gone tomorrow said:
ehh. it may a very little...Im just scared of its presence in other parts of the human body and the fact that there is no biological model of anyone with decreased levels of 5ar-1...Im gonna hold off as long as i can before i jump on it.

that doesn't excite you at all, the risk?

hair today gone tomorrow

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JayMan said:
hair today gone tomorrow said:
ehh. it may a very little...Im just scared of its presence in other parts of the human body and the fact that there is no biological model of anyone with decreased levels of 5ar-1...Im gonna hold off as long as i can before i jump on it.

that doesn't excite you at all, the risk?

ehhh not so much... :p