Aspartame artifical sweetener


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i try to minimize all my sugar intake and i get suger only from fruit
ive been looking for Breakfast cereal that dosent have no suger the only one i found was with an artifical sweetener called aspartame
i like the cereals and they have good nutrtional value do you think the sweetener might be bad for the health ?


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actually im only interested in the Aspartame because this is the particular one that is in the brekfast cereals im refering to


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Aspartame is the same as Nutra Sweet, I believe, and I've heard it's not very good for you, although I imagine in small amounts it couldn't hurt. There was a big thing about it in the 80's supposedly causing brain cancer in children or some crap like that. It's still being used so it's apparently "safe" for human consumption, although I bet regular sugar, even though it's terrible for you, is probably a better bet than these synthetic sweetners.


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One of the worst things for your body is excess glucose. Too much insulin especially can inhibit your bodies own ability to burn fat by blocking thermogenics. Over time, glucose and insulin in excess can actually become toxic.

I personally use stevia as a natural sugar substitute, and cut my sugar consumption in half. I also supplement with cinnamon to regulate my blood sugar levels. And even something like psyllium and alpha-lipoic acid can be great as well.